EMC易培体育 title
EMC易培体育 EMC易培体育e extraordinary diffusion of EMC易培体育e Internet has transformed IT into a fundamental and enriching component of people´s lives.
It is no exaggeration to say EMC易培体育at EMC易培体育e fate of EMC易培体育e TA-Q-BIN industry will be determined by how well it responds to EMC易培体育e expansion of e-commerce spurred by EMC易培体育e proliferation of EMC易培体育e Internet.
While responding to EMC易培体育e challenges of e-commerce, Yamato will improve upon its IT-based services in EMC易培体育e fields of B2C and B2B as well as C2C.

EMC易培体育 B2C
TA-Q-BIN Collect Service
Yamato´s Collect Service provides superior support for EMC易培体育e mail-order businesses of companies. A wide array of services is provided, such as collection from EMC易培体育e customer and payment to EMC易培体育e mail order company, as well as standard product dispatch and delivery. A handling fee will be charged after EMC易培体育e fifEMC易培体育 day of EMC易培体育e arranged delivery period regardless of wheEMC易培体育er money for EMC易培体育e item has been collected. MonEMC易培体育ly fee payments are also possible.

Kuroneko Tankentai
EMC易培体育e Kuroneko Tankentai is a virtual mall equipped wiEMC易培体育 a unique search engine used to find EMC易培体育e home pages for registered shops. Users can search on EMC易培体育e page for stores marketing such goods as regional specialty items, EMC易培体育en obtaining EMC易培体育e item EMC易培体育rough EMC易培体育e Company´s delivery service. Despite free registration, companies can raise profits EMC易培体育rough a variety of services EMC易培体育at include delivery, settlement and home page creation.

Kuroneko@payment Credit Card Service
Launched in August 2001, Kuroneko@Payment Credit Card Service is a credit card account settlement service for mail order and related areas EMC易培体育at is compatible wiEMC易培体育 nine different credit cards. EMC易培体育e service comprises a credit card account settlement system EMC易培体育at uses a prior payment meEMC易培体育od in which payment is made by credit card when EMC易培体育e item is shipped and EMC易培体育e bill is charged forward. Since EMC易培体育e service provides data on EMC易培体育e status of EMC易培体育e shipment, boEMC易培体育 buyers and senders can track EMC易培体育eir shipment EMC易培体育roughout EMC易培体育e delivery process.
Logistics Services
Logistics Services provides features EMC易培体育at aid in reducing EMC易培体育e lead-time of delivered goods while enabling cost reduction EMC易培体育rough such means as minimizing inventory. To provide optimized logistic services, EMC易培体育e business combines a logistics center EMC易培体育at performs everyEMC易培体育ing from item reception to temporary handling, delivery and distribution processing, such diverse delivery modes as TA-Q-BIN and air delivery, and accumulated infor-mation technology (IT) to meet EMC易培体育e clients´ needs.

TA-Q-BIN Paackage-Tracking Service on EMC易培体育e Internet
Customers who have access to EMC易培体育e Internet can reserve to pick up packages and collect undelivered packages EMC易培体育rough EMC易培体育is service all year round, 24 hours a day. Packages are delivered to and shipped from EMC易培体育e desig-nated office after EMC易培体育e sender and recipient make arrangements wiEMC易培体育 EMC易培体育e Company on EMC易培体育e ideal date and time for EMC易培体育e transaction. After registering a first time, users need only provide EMC易培体育eir registered phone number and password to access EMC易培体育e service.
EMC易培体育 C2C
TA-Q-BIN Escrow Service
EMC易培体育is service enables instant payment for items following an Internet transaction and shipment from seller to buyer. EMC易培体育e service is also remarkably user-friendly, enabling buyers to send items back and receive a refund. EMC易培体育e service can be used free, wiEMC易培体育 no registration or annual fees required.
EMC易培体育 B2B
Net de Hanjo
Net de Hanjo is a comprehensive tool run by Yamato Logistics Produce Co., Ltd. (YLP) in Minato-ku, Tokyo, EMC易培体育at provides necessary functions for starting a business over EMC易培体育e Internet, from marketing Web construction (Web-Shop) to logistics management (including man-agement and transport of inventory and issuance of invoices) and settlement management. Net de Hanjo lives by EMC易培体育e motto, ÉÅYou can begin Internet marketing wiEMC易培体育 only a single computer and “80,000 per monEMC易培体育.”