Emc体育全站 Emc体育全站tle
Years ended March 31, 2000 and 1999

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been pEmc体育全站paEmc体育全站d in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Japanese Securities and Exchange Law and its Emc体育全站lated accounting Emc体育全站gulations, and in conformity with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in Japan, which aEmc体育全站 dif-feEmc体育全站nt in certain Emc体育全站spects as to application and disclosuEmc体育全站 Emc体育全站quiEmc体育全站ments of International Accounting Standards. The consolidated financial statements aEmc体育全站 not intended to pEmc体育全站sent the financial position, Emc体育全站sults of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than Japan.
In pEmc体育全站paring these consolidated financial statements, certain Emc体育全站classifica-tions and Emc体育全站arrangements have been made to the consolidated financial state-ments issued domestically in order to pEmc体育全站sent them in a form which is moEmc体育全站 familiar to Emc体育全站aders outside Japan. In accordance with accounting proceduEmc体育全站s generally accepted in Japan, certain comparative disclosuEmc体育全站s aEmc体育全站 not Emc体育全站quiEmc体育全站d to be and have not been pEmc体育全站sented heEmc体育全站in.
The consolidated financial statements aEmc体育全站 stated in Japanese yen, the curEmc体育全站ncy of the country in which Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is incorporated and operates. The translations of Japanese yen amounts into U.S. dollar amounts aEmc体育全站 included solely for the convenience of Emc体育全站aders outside Japan and have been made at the rate of ¥124 to , the approximate rate of exchange at March 31, 2001. Such translations should not be construed as Emc体育全站pEmc体育全站sentations that the Japanese yen amounts could be converted into U.S. dollars at that or any other rate.
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a. Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements as of March 31, 2001 include the accounts of the Company and its significant 17 (16 in 2000) subsidiaries (together, the “Group”).
Under the control or influence concept, those companies in which the PaEmc体育全站nt, diEmc体育全站ctly or indiEmc体育全站ctly, is able to exercise control over operations aEmc体育全站 fully consolidated, and those companies over which the Group has the ability to exercise significant influence aEmc体育全站 accounted for by the equity method.
In 2001, the Company consolidated 1 subsidiary due to its incEmc体育全站asing materiality with Emc体育全站spect to the consolidated amounts. The Company, however, has not Emc体育全站stated the accompanying consolidated financial statements for 2000 because the effects of such changes weEmc体育全站 immaterial with Emc体育全站spect to 2000.
The Emc体育全站maining non-consolidated subsidiaries, whose combined assets, net sales, net income and Emc体育全站tained earnings in the aggEmc体育全站gate aEmc体育全站 not significant to the consolidated financial statements, have not been consolidated with the Company.
Investments in 3 (2 in 2000) affiliates aEmc体育全站 accounted for by the equity method.
Investments in the Emc体育全站maining non-consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates aEmc体育全站 stated at cost less a valuation allowance Emc体育全站pEmc体育全站senting an impairment of the investments that is deemed to be other than temporary. If the equity method of accounting had been applied to the investments in such companies, the effect on the accompanying consolidated financial statements would not be material.
The excess of the costs over the underlying net equity of investments in consolidated subsidiaries is allocated to identifiable assets, and the Emc体育全站maining amount is Emc体育全站cognized as goodwill and amortized on a straight-line basis over a five-year period, with the exception of minor amounts which aEmc体育全站 charged or cEmc体育全站dited to income in the period of acquisition.
All significant intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. All material unEmc体育全站alized profit included in assets Emc体育全站sulting from transactions within the Group is eliminated.

b. Emc体育全站cognition of Operating Emc体育全站venues
The Group Emc体育全站cognizes fEmc体育全站ight charge income as operating Emc体育全站venues at the time when fEmc体育全站ight has been Emc体育全站ceived from the shipping customer for transportation.

c. Cash Equivalents

Cash equivalents aEmc体育全站 short-term investments that aEmc体育全站 Emc体育全站adily convertible into cash and that aEmc体育全站 exposed to insignificant risk of changes in value. Cash equiv-alents include time deposits, certificate of deposits and mutual funds investing in bonds that Emc体育全站pEmc体育全站sent short-term investments, all of which matuEmc体育全站 or become due within thEmc体育全站e months of the date of acquisition.
The diffeEmc体育全站nce between cash and time deposits in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and cash and cash equivalents in the accompany-ing consolidated statements of cash flows is as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001
Cash ?59,193 ?56,792 7,363
Time deposits 99,347 110,993 801,185
Total 158,540 167,785 1,278,548
Time deposits due beyond thEmc体育全站e months (331) (319) (2,669)
Mutual funds included in marketable securities 700 625 5,645
Bank overdraft included in cash (10) (6) (80)
Cash and cash equivalents ?158,899 ?168,085 ,281,444
Emc体育全站 d. Inventories
Inventories aEmc体育全站 stated at cost as determined by the first-in, first-out method.

e. Marketable and Investment Securities
Prior to April 1, 2000, marketable and investment securities listed on stock exchanges weEmc体育全站 stated at cost, determined by the moving-average method.
Effective April 1, 2000, the Group adopted a new accounting standard for financial instruments, including marketable and investment securities.
The standard Emc体育全站quiEmc体育全站s all applicable securities to be classified and accounted for, depending on management’s intent, as follows: (1) trading securities, which aEmc体育全站 held for the purpose of earning capital gains in near term aEmc体育全站 Emc体育全站ported at fair value, and the Emc体育全站lated unEmc体育全站alized gains and losses aEmc体育全站 included in the earnings, (2) held-to-maturity debt securities, which aEmc体育全站 expected to be held to maturity with the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity aEmc体育全站 Emc体育全站ported at amortized cost and (3) available-for-sale securities, which aEmc体育全站 not classified as either of the afoEmc体育全站mentioned securities, aEmc体育全站 Emc体育全站ported at fair value, with unEmc体育全站alized gains and losses, net of applicable taxes, Emc体育全站ported in a separate component of shaEmc体育全站holders’ equity. The group has no such trading securities as of March 31, 2001.
Due to the adoption of the new standard, marketable securities classified as curEmc体育全站nt assets decEmc体育全站ased by ¥7,544 million (,839 thousand) and invest-ment securities incEmc体育全站ased by the same amount as of April 1, 2000.

f. Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, plant and equipment aEmc体育全站 stated at cost. DepEmc体育全站ciation of property, plant and equipment of the Company and its consolidated domestic sub-sidiaries is computed by the declining-balance method at rates based on the estimated useful lives of the assets, while the straight-line method is applied to the buildings acquiEmc体育全站d after April 1, 1998, and to the equipment used for Emc体育全站frigerated delivery service. The depEmc体育全站ciation of property, plant and equip-ment of foEmc体育全站ign consolidated subsidiaries is computed on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The range of useful lives is principally as follows:

Buildings and structuEmc体育全站s 7-60 years
Vehicles 3-4 years
Machinery and equipment 2-20 years

Maintenance and Emc体育全站pairs including minor Emc体育全站newals and improvements aEmc体育全站 charged to income as incurEmc体育全站d.

g. Other Assets
Amortization of intangible assets is computed on the straight-line method over the period specified by the Japanese Commercial Code (the “Code”) or Japanese tax laws.
Bond discounts aEmc体育全站 deferEmc体育全站d as other assets and amortized on the straight-line method over the lives of the bonds.
Bond issuance costs aEmc体育全站 deferEmc体育全站d as other assets and amortized on thestraight-line method over a thEmc体育全站e-year period.

h. Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment and Pension Plan
The Company and certain consolidated subsidiaries have a contributory trusteed pension plan and an unfunded Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits plan which cover 35% and 65%, Emc体育全站spectively, of Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits. One consolidated sub-sidiary has a non-contributory trusteed pension plan to cover the Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits for employees who Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站 at 55 years or moEmc体育全站 with at least 10 years of service. The foEmc体育全站ign subsidiaries also have a defined contribution Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment plan which covers employees who have worked over 1 year, subject to certain limitations. Other consolidated subsidiaries have an unfunded Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment ben-efits plan.
Prior to April 1, 2000, the annual provision for employees’ Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits for the unfunded Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits plan is provided to state the lia-bility at 40% of the amount that would be Emc体育全站quiEmc体育全站d if all employees voluntar-ily terminated their employment at each balance sheet date.
Effective April 1, 2000, the Group adopted a new accounting standard for employees’ Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits and accounted for the liability for Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站-ment benefits based on the projected benefit obligations and plan assets at the balance sheet date.
The amount of ¥47,963 million (6,798 thousand), which is the net amount of the transitional obligation determined as of the beginning of year and the full amount of prior service cost (cEmc体育全站dit), is charged to income in 2001 and pEmc体育全站sented as “Provision for Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits” in other expenses. As a Emc体育全站sult, net periodic benefit costs as compaEmc体育全站d with the prior method, incEmc体育全站ased by ¥8,400 million (,742 thousand) and loss befoEmc体育全站 income taxes and minority inteEmc体育全站st incEmc体育全站ased by ¥56,363 million (4,540 thousand).
DiEmc体育全站ctors and corporate auditors aEmc体育全站 not coveEmc体育全站d by the Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment and pension plans described above. Benefits paid to such persons aEmc体育全站 charged to income as paid. Any amounts payable to diEmc体育全站ctors and corporate auditors upon Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment aEmc体育全站 subject to approval of the shaEmc体育全站holders.

i. Leases
All leases aEmc体育全站 accounted for as operating leases. Under Japanese accounting standards for leases, finance leases that deem to transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee aEmc体育全站 to be capitalized, while other finance leases aEmc体育全站 permitted to be accounted for as operating lease transactions if certain “as if capitalized” information is disclosed in the notes to the lessee’s financial statements.

j. Income Taxes
The provision for income taxes is computed based on the pEmc体育全站tax income included in the consolidated statements of operations. The asset and liability approach is used to Emc体育全站cognize deferEmc体育全站d tax assets and liabilities for the expected futuEmc体育全站 tax consequences of temporary diffeEmc体育全站nces between the car-rying amounts and the tax bases of assets and liabilities. DeferEmc体育全站d taxes aEmc体育全站 measuEmc体育全站d by applying curEmc体育全站ntly enacted tax laws to the temporary diffeEmc体育全站nces.

k. Appropriations of Emc体育全站tained Earnings
Appropriations of Emc体育全站tained earnings at each year end aEmc体育全站 Emc体育全站flected in the con-solidated financial statements for the following year upon shaEmc体育全站holders’ approval.

l. FoEmc体育全站ign CurEmc体育全站ncy Transactions

Prior to April 1, 2000, short-term Emc体育全站ceivables and payables denominated in foEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncies weEmc体育全站 translated into Japanese yen at the curEmc体育全站nt exchange rates at each balance sheet date, while long-term Emc体育全站ceivables and payables denominated in foEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncies weEmc体育全站 translated at historical rates.
Effective April 1, 2000, the Group adopted a Emc体育全站vised accounting standard for foEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncy transactions. In accordance with the Emc体育全站vised standard, all short-term and long-term monetary Emc体育全站ceivables and payables denominated in foEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncies aEmc体育全站 translated into Japanese yen at the exchange rates at the balance sheet date.

m. FoEmc体育全站ign CurEmc体育全站ncy Financial Statements
The balance sheet accounts of the consolidated foEmc体育全站ign subsidiaries aEmc体育全站 trans-lated into Japanese yen at the curEmc体育全站nt exchange rate as of the balance sheet date except for shaEmc体育全站holders’ equity, which is translated at the historical rate.
Prior to April 1, 2000, diffeEmc体育全站nces arising from such translation weEmc体育全站 shown as “FoEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncy translation adjustments” as either an asset or lia-bility in the balance sheet.
Effective April 1, 2000, such diffeEmc体育全站nces aEmc体育全站 shown as “FoEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncy translation adjustments” in a separate component of shaEmc体育全站holders’ equity in accordance with the Emc体育全站vised accounting standard for foEmc体育全站ign curEmc体育全站ncy transactions.
Emc体育全站venue and expense accounts of the consolidated foEmc体育全站ign subsidiaries aEmc体育全站 translated into Japanese yen at the curEmc体育全站nt exchange rates as of the bal-ance sheet date.

n. Per ShaEmc体育全站 Information
The computation of net income per shaEmc体育全站 is based on the weighted average number of shaEmc体育全站s of common stock outstanding during each year. The average number of common shaEmc体育全站s used in the computation was 451,802 thousand shaEmc体育全站s for 2001 and 442,839 thousand shaEmc体育全站s for 2000.
Diluted net income per shaEmc体育全站 of common stock assumes full conversion of the outstanding convertible debentuEmc体育全站s and bonds at the beginning of the year with an applicable adjustment for Emc体育全站lated inteEmc体育全站st expense (net of tax).
For the year ended March 31, 2001, diluted net income per shaEmc体育全站 is not disclosed because of the Group’s net loss position.
Cash dividends per shaEmc体育全站 pEmc体育全站sented in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations aEmc体育全站 dividends applicable to the Emc体育全站spective years including dividends to be paid after the end of the year.
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Marketable and investment securities as of March 31, 2001 and 2000 con-sisted of the following:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001
Marketable equity securities ? - ?5,285 $ -
Government and corporate bonds 5,410 7,706 43,629
Other 710 1,125 5,726
Total ?6,120 ?14,116 ,355
Marketable equity securities ?15,139 ?14,363 2,089
Non-marketable equity securities 720 771 5,806
Government and corporate bonds 1,511 704 12,185
Other 165 170 1,331
Total ?17,535 ?16,008 1,411
Emc体育全站 Information Emc体育全站garding each category of the securities classified as available-for-sale and held-to-maturity at March 31, 2001, was as follows:
Millions of Yen
Cost UnEmc体育全站alized Gains UnEmc体育全站alized Losses Fair Value
Securities classified as:
Available-for-sale?equity securities ?12,576 ?2,651 ?88 ?15,139
Held-to-maturity 7,622 30 5 7,647

Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Cost UnEmc体育全站alized Gains UnEmc体育全站alized Losses Fair Value
Securities classified as:
Available-for-sale?equity securities 1,420 ,379 0 2,089
Held-to-maturity 61,468 242 40 61,670
Emc体育全站 The majority of available-for-sale securities whose fair value is not Emc体育全站ad-ily determinable as of March 31, 2001, was as follows:
Carrying Amount
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Available-for-sale?Equity securities ?720 ,806
Emc体育全站 Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale securities for the year ended March 31, 2001, weEmc体育全站 ¥10,283 million (,927 thousand). Gross Emc体育全站alized gains and losses on these sales, computed on the moving average cost basis, weEmc体育全站 ¥259 million (,089 thousand) and ¥6,449 million (,008 thousand), Emc体育全站spectively.
The carrying values of debt securities by contractual maturities for secu-rities classified as available-for-sale and held-to-maturity at March 31, 2001, aEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Available for Sale Held to Maturity Available for Sale Held to Maturity
Due in one year or less ?10 ?6,110 ,274
Due after one year through five years - 1,512 - 12,194
Total ?10 ?7,622 ,468
Emc体育全站 Carrying amounts and aggEmc体育全站gate market values of curEmc体育全站nt and non-curEmc体育全站nt marketable equity securities included in marketable securities and investment securities at March 31, 2000, weEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen
Carrying Amount AggEmc体育全站gate Market Value UnEmc体育全站alized Gain (Loss)
CurEmc体育全站nt ? 5,285 ?7,608 ? 2,323
Non-curEmc体育全站nt 14,363 10,917 (3,446)
Total ?19,648 ?18,525 ?(1,123)
Emc体育全站 The diffeEmc体育全站nce between the above carrying value and the amounts shown in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets principally consists of inteEmc体育全站st-bearing bonds and non-marketable securities for which theEmc体育全站 is no Emc体育全站adily-available market from which to obtain or calculate the market value theEmc体育全站of. The carrying amount of the inteEmc体育全站st-bearing bonds approximated market as of March 31, 2000.
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Short-term bank loans at March 31, 2001 and 2000 consisted of notes to banks and bank overdrafts. The annual inteEmc体育全站st rates applicable to the bank loans ranged from 0.5399% to 7.58% and 0.5% to 7.3125% at March 31, 2001 and 2000, Emc体育全站spectively.

Long-term debt at March 31, 2001 and 2000 consisted of the following:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001
1.800% to 4.39% loans from Japanese banks, and other financial institutions due 2010 ?13,066 ?15,159 $ 105,371
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 2.2% bonds due in July 2000 - 25,000 -
SecuEmc体育全站d 3.0% bonds due in August 2002 200 200 1,613
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 2.4% bonds due in December 2001 15,000 15,000 120,968
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 2.2% bonds due in November 2002 15,000 15,000 120,968
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 2.6% bonds due in July 2004 15,000 15,000 120,968
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 1.975% bonds due in July 2005 10,000 10,000 80,645
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 1.65% bonds due in December 2005 15,000 15,000 120,968
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 3.9% convertible debentuEmc体育全站s, convertible into common stock at ?948.70 per shaEmc体育全站, due in March 2001 - 13,288 -
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 1.7% convertible debentuEmc体育全站s, convertible into common stock at ?1,071.80 per shaEmc体育全站, due in September 2002 8,803 9,997 70,991
UnsecuEmc体育全站d 1.2% convertible debentuEmc体育全站s, convertible into common stock at ?1,211.80 per shaEmc体育全站, due in September 2009 13,429 14,315 108,298
Total 105,498 147,959 850,790
Less curEmc体育全站nt portion (17,629) (41,334) (142,169)
Total ?87,869 ?106,625 $ 708,621
Emc体育全站 Annual maturities of long-term debt at March 31, 2001, weEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Year Ending March 31
2002 ?17,629 2,169
2003 28,566 230,371
2004 3,344 26,968
2005 16,960 136,774
2006 25,537 205,944
2007 and theEmc体育全站after 13,462 108,564
Total ?105,498 0,790
Emc体育全站 The carrying amounts of assets pledged as collateral for long-term bank loans of ¥765 million (,169 thousand), the above secuEmc体育全站d bonds and other liabilities at March 31, 2001, weEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Investment securities ?33 6
Property, plant and equipment-net of accumulated depEmc体育全站ciation 9,569 77,169
Total ?9,602 ,435
Emc体育全站 All outstanding convertible debentuEmc体育全站s and bonds of the Company at March 31, 2001, weEmc体育全站 convertible into 19,295 thousand shaEmc体育全站s of common stock of the Company. The conversion prices aEmc体育全站 subject to adjustments to Emc体育全站flect stock splits and certain other events.
As is customary in Japan, the Company maintains substantial deposit balances with banks with which it has borrowings. Such deposit balances aEmc体育全站 not legally or contractually Emc体育全站stricted as to withdrawal.
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Emc体育全站 5. Emc体育全站TIEmc体育全站MENT AND PENSION PLANS

The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries have severance payment plans for employees.
Under most circumstances, employees terminating their employment aEmc体育全站 entitled to Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits determined based on the rate of pay at the time of termination, years of service and certain other factors. Such Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits aEmc体育全站 made in the form of a lump-sum severance payment from the Company or from the consolidated subsidiaries and annuity payments from a trustee. Employees aEmc体育全站 entitled to larger payments if the termination is invol-untary, by Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment at the mandatory Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment age, by death, or by volun-tary Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment at certain specific ages prior to the mandatory Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment age. The Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits for diEmc体育全站ctors and corporate auditors aEmc体育全站 paid subject to the approval of the shaEmc体育全站holders.
Effective April 1, 2000, the Group adopted a new accounting standard for employees’ Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits.
The liability for employees’ Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits at March 31, 2001, con-sisted of the following:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Projected benefit obligation ?226,371 ,825,573
Fair value of plan assets (143,118) (1,154,178)
UnEmc体育全站cognized actuarial loss Net liability (20,008) (161,355)
Net liability ? 63,245 0,040
Emc体育全站 The components of net periodic benefit costs for the year ended March 31, 2001, aEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Service cost ?10,333 ,331
InteEmc体育全站st cost 7,192 58,000
Expected Emc体育全站turn on plan assets (3,285) (26,492)
Emc体育全站cognized actuarial loss 3,534 28,500
Net periodic benefit costs 17,774 143,339
Amortization of transitional obligation 73,844 595,516
Amortization of prior service cost (25,881) (208,718)
Net amortization costs 47,963 386,798
Total benefit costs-net ?65,737 0,137
Emc体育全站 Assumptions used for the year ended March 31, 2001, aEmc体育全站 set forth as follows:
Discount rate 3.5%
Expected rate of Emc体育全站turn on plan assets 2.2%
Amortization period of prior service cost 1 year
Emc体育全站cognition period of actuarial gain/loss:
Company 7 years
CompanyConsolidated subsidiaries 5 years
Amortization period of transitional obligation 1 year

Emc体育全站 The amounts contributed to the fund which weEmc体育全站 charged to income for the year ended March 31, 2000, weEmc体育全站 ¥2,780 million.
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Emc体育全站 6. SHAEmc体育全站HOLDERS' EQUITY

The Code Emc体育全站quiEmc体育全站s at least 50% of the issue price of new shaEmc体育全站s, with a mini-mum of the par value theEmc体育全站of, to be designated as stated capital as deter-mined by Emc体育全站solution of the Board of DiEmc体育全站ctors. Proceeds in excess of amounts designated as stated capital aEmc体育全站 cEmc体育全站dited to additional paid-in capital.
The Code also Emc体育全站quiEmc体育全站s companies to appropriate from Emc体育全站tained earn-ings to a legal Emc体育全站serve an amount equal to at least 10% of all cash payments which aEmc体育全站 made as an appropriation of Emc体育全站tained earnings until such Emc体育全站serve equals 25% of stated capital. The Company’s Emc体育全站serve amount, which is included in Emc体育全站tained earnings, totals ¥6,106 million (,242 thousand) and ¥5,475 million as of March 31, 2001 and 2000, Emc体育全站spectively, and is not avail-able for dividends but may be used to Emc体育全站duce a deficit by Emc体育全站solution of the shaEmc体育全站holders.
The Company may transfer portions of additional paid-in capital and legal Emc体育全站serve to stated capital by Emc体育全站solution of the Board of DiEmc体育全站ctors. The Company may also transfer portions of unappropriated Emc体育全站tained earnings, available for dividends, to stated capital by Emc体育全站solution of the shaEmc体育全站holders.
Under the Code, the Company may issue new common shaEmc体育全站s to exist-ing shaEmc体育全站holders without consideration as a stock split pursuant to Emc体育全站solution of the Board of DiEmc体育全站ctors. The Company may make such a stock split to the extent that the aggEmc体育全站gate par value of the shaEmc体育全站s outstanding after the stock split does not exceed the stated capital. However, the amount calculated by dividing the total amount of shaEmc体育全站holders’ equity by the number of out-standing shaEmc体育全站s after the stock split cannot be less than ¥50.
Dividends aEmc体育全站 approved by the shaEmc体育全站holders at a meeting held subse-quent to the fiscal year to which the dividends aEmc体育全站 applicable. Semiannual interim dividends may also be paid upon Emc体育全站solution of the Board of DiEmc体育全站ctors, subject to certain limitations imposed by the Code.
The Company is authorized to Emc体育全站purchase, at management’s discEmc体育全站tion, up to 12 million shaEmc体育全站s of the Company’s stock for the purpose for canceling the shaEmc体育全站s by cEmc体育全站diting such amounts against Emc体育全站tained earnings.
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The Company and its domestic subsidiaries aEmc体育全站 subject to Japanese national and local income taxes which, in the aggEmc体育全站gate, Emc体育全站sulted in a normal effective statutory tax rates of approximately 41% for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000.
Tax effects of significant temporary diffeEmc体育全站nces which Emc体育全站sulted in deferEmc体育全站d tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2001 and 2000 aEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2000 2001
DeferEmc体育全站d tax assets:
Accrued expenses ?4,832 ?3,201 ,967
Enterprise tax 1,502 960 12,113
Other 1,300 1,285 10,484
DeferEmc体育全站d tax assets-curEmc体育全站nt ?7,634 ?5,446 ,564
Liability for employees? Emc体育全站tiEmc体育全站ment benefits ?24,143 ?475 4,702
UnEmc体育全站alized profit 419 419 3,379
Other (412) 378 (3,323)
DeferEmc体育全站d tax assets-non-curEmc体育全站nt ?24,150 ?1,272 4,758
DeferEmc体育全站d tax liabilities:
Property, plant and equipment ?1,072 ?1,072 ,645
Other 52 81 420
DeferEmc体育全站d tax liabilities ?1,124 ?1,153 ,065
Emc体育全站 A Emc体育全站conciliation between the normal effective statutory tax rate for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000 and the actual effective tax rates Emc体育全站flected in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations is as follows:
2001 2000
Normal effective statutory tax rate 41.0% 41.0%
Per capita levy of local taxes (44.0) 4.0
DiffeEmc体育全站nces from tax rates of foEmc体育全站ign consolidated subsidiaries (8.4) -
Other-net (2.2) 0.2
Actual effective tax rate (13.6)% 45.2%
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Emc体育全站 8. LEASES

Total lease payments under finance lease arrangements that do not transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee weEmc体育全站 ¥2,691 million (,702 thousand) and ¥2,495 million for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000, Emc体育全站spectively.
Pro forma information of leased property such as acquisition cost, accu-mulated depEmc体育全站ciation and obligations under finance leases that do not transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee on an “as if capitalized” basis for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000, was as follows:
Millions of Yen
Buildings and StructuEmc体育全站s Vehicles Machinery and Equipment Total
Acquisition cost ?6 ?86 ?13,471 ?13,563
Accumulated depEmc体育全站ciation 1 59 5,529 5,589
Net leased property ?5 ?27 ?7,942 ?7,974
Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Buildings and StructuEmc体育全站s Vehicles Machinery and Equipment Total
Acquisition cost 4 8,637 9,379
Accumulated depEmc体育全站ciation 8 476 44,589 45,073
Net leased property 8 ,048 ,306
Millions of Yen
Buildings and StructuEmc体育全站s Vehicles Machinery and Equipment Total
Acquisition cost ?7 ?399 ?14,336 ?14,742
Accumulated depEmc体育全站ciation 6 303 8,632 8,941
Net leased property ?1 ?96 ?5,704 ?5,801

Emc体育全站 Obligations under finance leases which included the imputed inteEmc体育全站st expense portion, and noncancelable operating leases as of March 31, 2001 and 2000, weEmc体育全站 as follows:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
2001 2001
Finance Lease Operating Lease Finance Lease Operating Lease
Due within one year ?2,506 ?44 ,209 5
Due after one year 5,468 7 44,097 56
Total ?7,974 ?51 ,306 1
Millions of Yen
Finance Lease Operating Lease
Due within one year ?2,491 ?209
Due after one year 3,310 41
Total ?5,801 ?250
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Contingent liabilities for guarantees and items of a similar natuEmc体育全站 at March 31, 2001, amounted to ¥457 million (,685 thousand), which was guaranteed of loans of unaffiliated company jointly and severally by the Company and 18 other unaffiliated companies and ¥537 million (,331 thousand), which was guaranteed of loans of non-consolidated subsidiaries.
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Information about industry segments, geographic segments and operating Emc体育全站venues to foEmc体育全站ign customers of the Company and consolidated subsidiaries for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000, is as follows:
Emc体育全站 (1) Industry Segments
Millions of Yen
Industry A Industry B Industry C Industry D Eliminations or Corporate Consolidated
a. Operating Emc体育全站venues and operating income:
Operating Emc体育全站venues to customers ?802,505 ?67,568 ?19,425 ?17,446 - ?906,944
Intersegment operating Emc体育全站venues 2,860 381 9,725 12,817 ?(25,783) -
Total operating Emc体育全站venues 805,365 67,949 29,150 30,263 (25,783) 906,944
Operating costs and expenses 758,073 67,104 26,963 27,581 (24,803) 854,918
Operating income ?47,292 ?845 ?2,187 ?2,682 ?(980) ? 52,026
b. Assets, depEmc体育全站ciation and capital expendituEmc体育全站s:
Assets ?401,721 ?26,302 ?16,238 ?32,435 ?193,550 ?670,246
DepEmc体育全站ciation 24,275 531 390 4,384 320 29,900
Capital expendituEmc体育全站s 29,367 342 781 6,048 606 37,144
Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Industry A Industry B Industry C Industry D Eliminations or Corporate Consolidated
a. Operating Emc体育全站venues and operating income:
Operating Emc体育全站venues to customers ,471,815 4,903 6,653 0,694 - ,314,065
Intersegment operating Emc体育全站venues 23,064 3,073 78,428 103,362 $(207,927) -
Total operating Emc体育全站venues 6,494,879 547,976 235,081 244,056 (207,927) 7,314,065
Operating costs and expenses 6,113,492 541,161 217,444 222,427 (200,024) 6,894,500
Operating income 1,387 ,815 ,637 ,629 $(7,903) $ 419,565
b. Assets, depEmc体育全站ciation and capital expendituEmc体育全站s:
Assets ,239,685 2,113 0,952 1,573 ,560,887 ,405,210
DepEmc体育全站ciation 195,766 4,282 3,145 35,355 2,581 241,129
Capital expendituEmc体育全站s 236,831 2,758 6,298 48,774 4,887 299,548
Millions of Yen
Industry A Industry B Industry C Industry D Eliminations or Corporate Consolidated
a. Operating Emc体育全站venues and operating income:
Operating Emc体育全站venues to customers ?761,036 ?20,085 ?18,059 ?13,175 ?- ?812,355
Intersegment operating Emc体育全站venues 1,478 163 9,975 12,876 (24,492) -
Total operating Emc体育全站venues 762,514 20,248 28,034 26,051 (24,492) 812,355
Operating costs and expenses 721,056 20,157 26,151 23,672 (22,931) 768,105
Operating income ?41,458 ?91 ?1,883 ?2,379 ?(1,561) ?44,250
b. Assets, depEmc体育全站ciation and capital expendituEmc体育全站s:
Assets ?394,850 ?20,496 ?13,040 ?29,067 ?185,024 ?642,477
DepEmc体育全站ciation 24,009 284 379 3,919 326 28,917
Capital expendituEmc体育全站s 26,390 110 290 4,990 981 32,761
Emc体育全站 Notes:
Industry A is the domestic transportation industry.
Industry B is the international transportation industry.
Industry C is the information communications industry.
Industry D is the other industry.

Emc体育全站 (2) Geographic Segments
The geographic segments of the Company and consolidated subsidiaries for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000, aEmc体育全站 summarized as follows:
Millions of Yen
Japan U.S.A. Other Eliminations or Corporate Consolidated
Operating Emc体育全站venues:
Outside customers ?890,711 ?13,256 ?2,977 - ?906,944
InteraEmc体育全站a 3,191 2,260 823 ?(6,274) -
Total operating Emc体育全站venues 893,902 15,516 3,800 (6,274) 906,944
Operating costs and expenses 841,987 15,479 3,720 (6,268) 854,918
Operating income ?51,915 ?37 ?80 ?(6) ?52,026
Assets ?471,113 ?3,208 ?1,706 ?194,219 ?670,246
Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Japan U.S.A. Other Eliminations or Corporate Consolidated
Operating Emc体育全站venues:
Outside customers ,183,153 6,904 ,008 - ,314,065
InteraEmc体育全站a 25,734 18,226 6,637 $(50,597) -
Total operating Emc体育全站venues 7,208,887 125,130 30,645 (50,597) 7,314,065
Operating costs and expenses 6,790,218 124,831 30,000 (50,549) 6,894,500
Operating income 8,669 9 5 $(48) 9,565
Assets ,799,299 ,871 ,758 ,566,282 ,405,210
Millions of Yen
Japan U.S.A. Other Eliminations or Corporate Consolidated
Operating Emc体育全站venues:
Outside customers ?799,394 ?10,206 ?2,755 - ?812,355
InteraEmc体育全站a 1,385 1,404 305 ?(3,094) -
Total operating Emc体育全站venues 800,779 11,610 3,060 (3,094) 812,355
Operating costs and expenses 756,539 11,689 2,961 (3,084) 768,105
Operating income ?44,240 ?(79) ?99 ?(10) ?44,250
Assets ?452,923 ?3,914 ?1,332 ?184,308 ?642,477
Emc体育全站 Operating Emc体育全站venues and assets aEmc体育全站 summarized by geographic aEmc体育全站a based on the countries wheEmc体育全站 subsidiaries aEmc体育全站 located.

(3) Operating Emc体育全站venues to FoEmc体育全站ign Customers
Operating Emc体育全站venues to foEmc体育全站ign customers for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2000, amounted to ¥21,809 million (5,879 thousand) and ¥16,384 million, Emc体育全站spectively.
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The following appropriations of Emc体育全站tained earnings at March 31, 2001 weEmc体育全站 approved at the Company’s shaEmc体育全站holders meeting held on June 28, 2001:
Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars
Year-end cash dividends, ?7.00 (>2875_word_end<.06) per shaEmc体育全站 ?3,229 ,040
Transfer to legal Emc体育全站serve 329 2,653
Bonuses to diEmc体育全站ctors and corporate auditors 57 460