스포츠토토 배당률 보기

스포츠토토 배당률 보기

스포츠토토 배당률 보기 ADVANCE



Homogeneous type polymer coated CRF Uniform fertilizing effect

21+4+13 / 15+15+15 / 13+4+25

+ Contains sulfur, magnesium, calcium, etc.

Package : 20kg


  • 100% coated 스포츠토토 배당률 보기 manufactured by Nousbo.
  • Expecting an uniform fertilizing effect with Monotype 스포츠토토 배당률 보기 containing all nutrients in one granule.
  • Customizable longevity up to 200 days by release control.
  • In addition to NPK, it contains trace elements such as Sulfur, Mg and Ca.


Product N P2O5 K2O S Trace elements
High N 21 4 13 4 Mg, Ca, B, S, Fe,Zn etc.
Balance 15 15 15 5
High K 13 4 25 7

* Mono Type : One granule contains all of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), and trace elements


Crop Dosage (per plant) Application
Fruit vegetables 7~10 gram Put it in the hole when transplant or on the side of the plant
Leaf vegetables 7~10 gram
Tree 2~5kg /week
Flower 6~8g / 15cm diameter of pot

Release rate of 스포츠토토 배당률 보기 ADVANCE

hi-coat_coating_release_rate_스포츠토토 배당률 보기.jpg

Advantage of 스포츠토토 배당률 보기 ADVANCE


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