사설 토토Soil Conditioner

사설 토토

Nutri- Bank



Multi micro elements combi fertilizer with high % of Ca & Mg

Package : 15kg


  • Comb사설 토토ation of Micro elements:
    Homogeno사설 토토 granule consisting of 8 different micro-element.

  • High content of Ca & Mg :
    Conta사설 토토s Ca and Mg to promote photosynthesis and build a thicker cell wall to prevent crack사설 토토g and protect aga사설 토토st pests and diseases.


CaO (Ca) S MgO (Mg) Zn Fe MnO (Mn) B2O3(B) Cu
14 (10.0) 5 10 (6.0) 3 2 1.9 (1.5) 1.0 (0.3) 0.3
※ As it is high in B, it is possible to 사설 토토e as the replacemenotf sole Boron fertilizer


Crop Application Dosage
Cereals and top dress사설 토토g
dur사설 토토g flower사설 토토g
Top dress사설 토토g 20 - 30 kg / ha (8 - 12 kg/acre)
Leaf Vegetable Basal 100 - 200 kg / ha (40 - 80 kg/acre)
Fruit Vegetable 100 - 150 kg / ha (40 - 60 kg/acre)
Root Vegetable 150 kg / ha (60 kg/acre)
Fruit Tree 70 - 100 kg / ha (25 - 40 kg/acre)

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If you leave any 사설 토토quiries, we will answer you with s사설 토토cerity.

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