Home Plant & 안전토토사이트ing
Homogeneous type polymer coated CRF Small packing for home 안전토토사이트
Package 300g
- All raw m안전토토사이트erials are 100% polymer co안전토토사이트ed.
- Precise nutrient release throughout the grow안전토토사이트g season.(up to 90days)
- For use on a wide variety of plants.
N | P2O5 | K2O | Etc. |
15 | 15 | 15 | Trace elements(S, Mg, Ca, B, Fe, Zn etc) |
- Apply every 3 months at the follow안전토토사이트g recommended application rates
- Pot: Broadcast evenly on top of the soil and water it 안전토토사이트.
- 안전토토사이트/field: Broadcast evenly near the plant and mix it with the soil if possible
Recommended applic안전토토사이트ion r안전토토사이트e
- Orchid : 0.5~1.0 gram / pot (1/2 teaspoon)
- Potted plant : 5 gram / pot
- Flower, Bean, Leafy vegetable, Berries : 10~15 gram/plant
- Perennial, Fruit vegetable : 100~150 gram / plant
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