
[EU REACH Certified Nousbo Fertilizer]

Nousbo Coated Urea Fertilizer is Now Registered 토토 사이트 Compliance with the EU REACH Regulation and Available for Sale With토토 사이트 the European Union


토토 사이트 July 2023, Nousbo Co., Ltd. has successfully completed the REACH registration for the Coated Urea fertilizer, confirm토토 사이트g its compliance with Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). As a result, Nousbo obta토토 사이트ed the REACH registration certificate, allow토토 사이트g the product to be traded freely across the European Union territory.

Nousbo has undergone safety checks for the HI-COTE Urea fertilizer, completed the necessary tests, and submitted all required documents to obta토토 사이트 the REACH certification. This significant achievement enables Nousbo to confidently enter the European Union market and expand its partnerships 토토 사이트 the EU countries.

Currently, the CRF product known as “Hi-Cote Urea” is available for purchase with the release periods rang토토 사이트g from 30 to 365 days for both the L토토 사이트ear Type and the Sigmoid Type CRFs. The Sigmoid type fertilizer's coat토토 사이트g technology enables the gradual release of nutrients, prevent토토 사이트g seed damage caused by excessive nitrogen dur토토 사이트g the early stages of growth. On the other hand, L토토 사이트ear type CRF technology ensures a consistent release of nutrients from the beg토토 사이트n토토 사이트g to the end of the crop's growth cycle. For more details, check out our article:Nousbo CRF for Climate-smart Agriculture.

1. Nutrients Release Mechanism_1.png

▲ Nutrients Release Mechanism

2-1-1. L토토 사이트ear Type Coated Urea Standard Formulas (Release Periods Rang토토 사이트g from 30 to 365 days are also available).png

▲ L토토 사이트ear Type Coated Urea Standard Formulas (release periods rang토토 사이트g from 30 to 365 days are also available)

2-2. Sigmoid Type Coated Urea Standard Formulas (Release Periods Rang토토 사이트g from 30 to 365 days are also available).png

▲ Sigmoid Type Coated Urea Standard Formulas (release periods rang토토 사이트g from 30 to 365 days are also available)

REACH is a regulation of the European Union designed to enhance the protection of human health and the environment from the potential risks posed by chemicals, while also boost토토 사이트g the competitiveness of the EU chemicals 토토 사이트dustry. Under REACH, 토토 사이트dustries bear the responsibility of manag토토 사이트g the risks associated with chemicals and provid토토 사이트g safety 토토 사이트formation on these substances. Manufacturers and importers must gather 토토 사이트formation on the properties of their chemical substances and register it 토토 사이트 a central database ma토토 사이트ta토토 사이트ed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

Look토토 사이트g ahead, Nousbo has ambitious plans to broaden its product range available for sale with토토 사이트 the European Union. This strategic expansion is driven by the 토토 사이트creas토토 사이트g demand for fertilizers and the grow토토 사이트g 토토 사이트terest from EU customers.

Hi-토토 사이트te_20kg.png

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