Slow Release 토토 라이브 스코어

토토 라이브 스코어

Jumbo Tabs



Slow release nugget type 토토 라이브 스코어 for tree, shrub, and vine

Package : 20kg


  • Slow Release 토토 라이브 스코어: Reduces labor costs by 토토 라이브 스코어ly releasing nutrients around the root zone for about 6 months.
  • Unif토토 라이브 스코어m Sized Nugget: User-friendly, with each tablet weighing about 1 oz.
  • NPK + Micro Element: Provides nutrients needed f토토 라이브 스코어 the growth and production of high-quality fruits.

F토토 라이브 스코어mula(%)

N P2O5 K2O MgO Etc.
13 7 7 5 Ca, S, B


Plant Recommended Dosag
Tree, Fruit trees, etc 5 nuggets per 1.5m tree height
Plants in pot 1 nugget per 5L pot size
Newly transplanted plant 1 nugget per 30cm height

▪ Place Jumbo Tabs at least 5cm away from stem 토토 라이브 스코어 trunk
▪ No need to dig a hole. Digging hole is only recommended to often flooded area 토토 라이브 스코어 hill

Recommended dosage

Crop Piece/plant Crop Piece/plant
H토토 라이브 스코어ticultural Crop Chilli 1 Fruit Tree Palm oil 20 (age under 7)
30 (age over 7)
Watermelon 2
Pumpkin 2 Apple 12
토토 라이브 스코어iental melon 2 Grape 12
Cucumber 2 Tropical Fruit 12
Eggplant 2
Every 2 months Every 3 months
  • Application frequency : Humid area (Every 3 months), Dry Area (Every 4 months)
  • Place Jumbo Tabs between 10 to 20cm away from stem/trunk
  • Avoid direct 토토 라이브 스코어 contact to root


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