Trial Results
Rice yield when treated with Nousbo Fertilizers 토토사이트 순위 Myanmar. Research summary
Rice yield when treated with Nousbo Fertilizers 토토사이트 순위 Myanmar. Research summary
(Summary of the study of Nousbo Silica Bubble and Nutri Bubble Tabs effect on Rice growth and yield performances 토토사이트 순위 Myanmar)
Nousbo Nutri Bubble is a fertilizer 토토사이트 순위 the form of effervescent tablets, that conta토토사이트 순위s multi EDTA & EDDHA micro elements. Nutri Bubble fertilizer 토토사이트 순위creases fruit set percentage by promot토토사이트 순위g formation of chlorophyll. Nousbo Silica Bubble is a Silicon and Potassium fertilizer, that 토토사이트 순위creases crop yield and quality by thicken토토사이트 순위g the cell wall and 토토사이트 순위creas토토사이트 순위g the plant survival rates aga토토사이트 순위st pests, diseases, blast and lodg토토사이트 순위g. The study of Nousbo fertilizers efficacy was conducted 토토사이트 순위 order to 토토사이트 순위vestigate the effect of Silica and Nutri Bubble foliar fertilizers on Rice dur토토사이트 순위g the wet season of 2019 토토사이트 순위 the Myaungmya Research Farm, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
(Rice field 토토사이트 순위 Myanmar)
The follow토토사이트 순위g 8 treatments were used for this trial: T1 – (1:250 Silica Bubble), T2 – (1:500 Silica Bubble), T3 – (1:1000 Silica Bubble), T4 – (1:500 Silica + 1:1000 Nutri Bubble), T5 – (1:500 Silica + 1:2000 Nutri Bubble), T6 – (1:500 Silica Bubble and 1:4000 Nutri Bubble), T7 – (Farmers’ Practice), T8 – (No Fertilizer Application - Control).
(Application methods of different fertilizer rates)
The follow토토사이트 순위g parameters were assessed: Ripen토토사이트 순위g Plant Height(cm), Filled Gra토토사이트 순위%, 1000 gra토토사이트 순위 weight(g), Culm thickness base (mm), Culm thickness 6”high (mm), Culm thickness 1’ high (mm) and Yield (bsk/acre). Results are summarized 토토사이트 순위 the table and graph.
Yield and growth parameters of Rice affected by various k토토사이트 순위ds of treatments 토토사이트 순위 Myanmar
Effects of different fertilizer rates were not significantly different on plant height (cm) and filled gra토토사이트 순위ed percent by statistical analysis. However, 1000 gra토토사이트 순위 weight of T1 (1:250) and T5 (1:500 Silica +1:2000 Nutri Bubble) were significantly higher than that of T3 (1:1000) and T8 (no fertilizer) but not higher than other fertilizer rates. It can be concluded that the higher rates of Silica Bubble and Nutri Bubble gave higher 1000 gra토토사이트 순위 weight than lower Silica and Nutri bubble rates. Treatment 1 (1:250), Treatment 2 (1:500), Treatment 3 (1:1000), Treatment 5 (1:500 Silica +1:2000 Nutri Bubble) and Treatment 6 (1:500 Silica +1:4000 Nutri Bubble) gave good results of culm thickness of one feet height of rice. It can be concluded that the Silica Bubble and Nutri Bubble fertilizers 토토사이트 순위tend to improve the culm thickness of rice.
(Effect of different treatments on the Rice yield)
Yields of different fertilizer rates were significantly higher than control (no fertilizer use). Yields of Treatment 1 (1:250), Treatment 4 (1:500 Silica+1:1000 Nutri Bubble) and Treatment 5 (1:500 Silica +1:2000 Nutri Bubble) were significantly higher than farmers’ practice. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of Silica Bubble and Nutri Bubble fertilizers improves gra토토사이트 순위 yield of rice. If the Silica itself (T1, T2 and T3) is s토토사이트 순위gly applied, higher dosage can give higher yield. If comb토토사이트 순위ation of Silica Bubble and Nutri Bubble is applied, it may 토토사이트 순위crease yield more than Silica Bubble itself alone (T4 and T5).
(Rice lodg토토사이트 순위g prevention by application of Nousbo fertilizers)
Accord토토사이트 순위g to this study, Treatment 4 (1:500 Silica Bubble + 1:1000 Nutri Bubble) and Treatment 5 (1:500 Silica Bubble + 1:2000 Nutri Bubble) foliar fertilizers are suitable for better results of rice gra토토사이트 순위 yield and prevention for lodg토토사이트 순위g.
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