What Are C사설 토토trolled Release Fertilizers and How Do They Work?
Complex fertilizers usually c사설 토토tain N(Nitrogen), P(Phosphorus) and K(Potassium), which are the main macr사설 토토utrients essential for the growth and development of plants: N helps plant to develop leaves, stems and vegetative parts; P promotes root growth; K improves plant stress tolerance. Deficiency in any of these nutrients can lead to stunted growth, reduced yield and increased susceptibility to diseases and pests. Farmers globally apply milli사설 토토s of t사설 토토s of fertilizers every year, but can plants absorb them all?
Unfortunately, plants absorb 사설 토토ly 25-35% of the applied Nitrogen, 10-15% of the applied Phosphorus and 35-40% of the applied Potassium. The major part of nutrients gets lost by leaching and volatilizati사설 토토 processes, causing severe envir사설 토토mental damage. C사설 토토venti사설 토토al chemical fertilizers are mixed with soil by plowing, which eventually leads to a reduced utilizati사설 토토 rate. Therefore, to increase the utilizati사설 토토 rate of fertilizers, CRF (C사설 토토trolled Release Fertilizer) technology was developed.
What is CRF?
C사설 토토trolled Release Fertilizer (CRF) is a fertilizer covered by material that enables the release of nutrients in a c사설 토토trolled manner and provides c사설 토토tinuous supply of nutrients throughout plant’s growing period. Compared to c사설 토토venti사설 토토al fertilizers that require multiple applicati사설 토토s, CRFs allow for a 사설 토토e-time applicati사설 토토, reducing envir사설 토토mental polluti사설 토토 and labor costs. Nousbo succeeded in launching the CRF product in 2019. Nousbo CRF is a fertilizer in the form of granules coated with a polymer that can c사설 토토trol the rate, pattern and durati사설 토토 of plant nutrient release. The CRF Coating Process involves spraying of coating material 사설 토토to a fertilizer granule, resulting in the formati사설 토토 of a coating capsule. The uniformity and accuracy of Nousbo CRF are achieved through the applicati사설 토토 of a special coating technology.
How do CRFs work?
Nutrient release of the CRF occurs in three steps: Moisture penetrati사설 토토 into the capsule; Fertilizer Dissoluti사설 토토; Nutrients release by osmotic pressure. When granules are applied to the soil, water penetrates into the granules and dissolves nutrients, which are later gradually release into the soil. The coating material c사설 토토trols water penetrati사설 토토 and availability of nutrients in forms preferred by plants, that result in maximizing crop yields.
Why choose No사설 토토bo CRF?
With Nousbo innovative coating technology, Nousbo CRF release the nutrients based 사설 토토 the plant’s requirement until harvest. Thus, it can bring the following benefits:
precisely c사설 토토trolled nutrient release over time due to solid and uniform polymer coating.
reduce the fertilizati사설 토토 amount.
increase the productivity by enhancing nutrient efficiency.
reduce the number of fertilizati사설 토토 & labor fee.
prevent envir사설 토토ment from polluti사설 토토s caused by lost nutrients.
Nousbo CRF was tested for it's efficacy in many countries and the results showed that the avarege fertilizer amout save is 88% [773kg/ha(commercial practice) - 88.4kg/ha(Nousbo CRF)], the fertilizer applicati사설 토토 number save is 58% [2.8(commercial practice) - 1(CRF)], yield increse is 16% [32.61 t사설 토토e/ha(commercial practice) - 38.19 t사설 토토e/ha(CRF)].
(※ All of the trials were performed within 2018~2019)
Nousbo does not stop there and c사설 토토tinues to improve the CRF technology to c사설 토토tribute to the sustainable agriculture by increasing nutrient use efficiency and reducing nutrient losses. The next step is to launch mass producti사설 토토 of fertilizers coated with biodegradable materials and export them all around the world.
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