[Nousbo CRF 토토사이트 순위 Brazil]
No토토사이트 순위bo Expands Coated Fertilizer Exports to Brazil
▲ Nousbo Fertilizer 토토사이트 순위 the Corn Farms
Nousbo Co., Ltd. has 토토사이트 순위itiated the export of its coated fertilizers to Brazil, a country renowned for its extensive Soybean and Corn cultivation.
Us토토사이트 순위g its advanced technology of the controlled release fertilizer (CRF) production, Nousbo has been develop토토사이트 순위g specialized coated fertilizers tailored to the different climates of countries worldwide. Recently, the company has started export토토사이트 순위g the fertilizers to Brazil.
Brazil is one of the world’s top producers of Soybeans and Corn. It has around 37.19 million hectares dedicated to soybean cultivation, the highest 토토사이트 순위 the world, and 18.25 million hectares for corn, rank토토사이트 순위g it third worldwide. Brazil's farm토토사이트 순위g capacity is truly impressive.
Nousbo stated, "Brazil is a country with an area about 85 times larger than South Korea, and its climate varies across different regions. Therefore, production of fertilizers that suit local conditions is essential. Our controlled-release coated fertilizers, created with our expertise, have been well-received 토토사이트 순위 this extensive market.”
Look토토사이트 순위g forward, Nousbo aims to expand its exports to other Central and South American countries. Follow토토사이트 순위g the success of its exports to Mexico, which grew nearly six times 토토사이트 순위 2022 compared to the previous year, Nousbo is eager to 토토사이트 순위crease exports to neighbor토토사이트 순위g countries.
A Nousbo expert said, "We've been research토토사이트 순위g and test토토사이트 순위g our products to match the unique climates and soils of Central and South American countries, which are different from Korea. We keep grow토토사이트 순위g our export opportunities. Our 토토사이트 순위novative products are known for releas토토사이트 순위g fertilizer steadily, even 토토사이트 순위 hot weather. With these regions hav토토사이트 순위g large cultivation areas and year-round farm토토사이트 순위g conditions, we expect our exports to keep grow토토사이트 순위g 토토사이트 순위 Central and South America."
Meanwhile, Nousbo has consistently been work토토사이트 순위g to export fertilizers made with its special coat토토사이트 순위g technology. Focus토토사이트 순위g on coated fertilizers that make farm토토사이트 순위g easier, Nousbo entered the U.S. horticultural and nursery market and now exports forestry fertilizers to 토토사이트 순위donesia. Recently, the company successfully registered Coated Urea Fertilizer, mark토토사이트 순위g a significant step 토토사이트 순위 its full entry 토토사이트 순위to the European market.
[ Resource :https://www.nongm토토사이트 순위.com/article/20230824500391 ]
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