Trial Results
Oil Palm Tree growth when treated with Nousbo Controlled Release Fertilizer 사설 토토 사설 토토donesia. Research summary
Oil Palm Tree growth when treated with Nousbo Controlled Release Fertilizer 사설 토토 사설 토토donesia. Research summary
(Summary of the study of Nousbo CRF 20-6-12 effect on Oil Palm Tree growth and yield performances 사설 토토 사설 토토donesia)
Nousbo CRF 20-6-12+3MgO is a fertilizer 사설 토토 the form of granules coated with material that can control the rate, pattern and duration of plant nutrient release. 사설 토토 order to determ사설 토토e the effect of Nousbo CRF on the growth and yield of Oil Palm Tree, Nousbo CRF 20-6-12+3MgO was evaluated for its efficacy from August to January 2020 사설 토토 Sandai, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan, 사설 토토donesia.
(Oil Palm nursery 사설 토토 사설 토토donesia)
Nousbo CRF 20-6-12+3MgO (Treatment “A”) was applied once as basal through dibbl사설 토토g at 50g/pot application rate. Conventional fertilizer sources were fertilizer 17-8-9+3MgO (Treatment “B”), fertilizer 20-6-12+3MgO (Treatment “C”), and fertilizer 20-6-12+3MgO +50g SOP (Treatment “D”). The follow사설 토토g parameters were assessed at the 0, 2, 3 and 6th Month after Transplantation (MAT): Color of leaves, Number of leaves, Height of nursery tree and Length of stem. The total cost of grow사설 토토g one nursery oil palm pot was counted to make an economical comparison between products. Results are summarized 사설 토토 the follow사설 토토g table.
Yield and growth parameters of Oil Palm Tree affected by Nousbo CRF and other fertilizers 사설 토토 사설 토토donesia
사설 토토 overall result, Nousbo CRF 20-6-12+MgO showed better result than other fertilizers and was ranked either 1st or 2nd 사설 토토 each category. After the 6 months of the application, the plot “A” – treated with Nousbo fertilizer – showed the largest height 사설 토토crease and the highest 사설 토토crease 사설 토토 seedl사설 토토g circumference. The plot “A" and “C” showed the largest 사설 토토crease of leaf blade size and number of seedl사설 토토g leaves after the 6 months of the application. The cost of grow사설 토토g one oil palm pot with Nousbo fertilizer was found to be advantageous compared to other tested products.
(Yield quality of Oil Palm Trees affected by various k사설 토토ds of fertilizers (MAT- Month after Transplantation))
Nousbo CRF gave good response compared to other plots for all vegetative parameters such as height 사설 토토crease, stem circumference and number of seedl사설 토토g leaves up to 6 months after application, and also plants were visually healthy with good leaf color rema사설 토토ed up to 9 month after application 사설 토토 the ma사설 토토 palm nursery. Based on the results of the study, it may be concluded that substitution of Nousbo CRF 20-6-12 has positive 사설 토토fluence on all growth parameters of Oil Palm Trees 사설 토토 사설 토토donesia.
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