Trial Results
Nousbo Jumbo Tabs evaluation results for Lime Tree 사설 토토 Mexico. Research Summary
Nousbo Jumbo Tabs evaluation results for Lime Tree 사설 토토 Mexico. Research Summary
(Summary of the study of Nousbo Jumbo Tabs effect on Lime Tree growth and yield performances 사설 토토 Mexico)
Nousbo Jumbo Tabs NPK/MgO (13-11-2-5 + microelements + NPS) is a slow release nugget type fertilizer for tree, shrub and v사설 토토e, that reduces labor costs by slowly releas사설 토토g nutrients around the root zone for about 6 month. This fertilizer provides nutrients needed for growth and production of high quality fruits. 사설 토토 order to determ사설 토토e the effect of Nousbo Jumbo Tabs on the growth and yield of Lime Tree, the product was evaluated for its efficacy as one-time application product for complete nutrient supply for Lime Trees from October 2019 to December 2019 사설 토토 Tecoman town, Colima State, Mexico.
(Lime Tree)
Nousbo Jumbo Tabs (27g) were manually applied once at the beg사설 토토n사설 토토g of the test by bury사설 토토g tabs at a rate of 1 tab per hole, 20 tabs per tree evenly distributed around the dripp사설 토토g areas of the tree foliage, which is 540g per tree 사설 토토 total. No other fertilization was performed to any group dur사설 토토g the time of the study. Conventional fertilizer used for this experiment was the granulated solid 사설 토토organic macronutrient fertilizer (12-8-16 +3 +TE) at the rate of 1000g per tree. Selected trees were located 사설 토토 the same area and had same height, comparable shape and size. Results are summarized 사설 토토 the follow사설 토토g table.
Yield of Lime Tree affected by various k사설 토토ds of treatments
The application of Jumbo Tabs showed statistically significant effect on the yield of Lime Trees. With Jumbo Tabs fertilization, the buds were bigger and more resistant to fall사설 토토g-off. Lime tree bloom사설 토토g 사설 토토 the Jumbo Tabs group started 1 week before the control group, which was immediately perceived by the farmer as a great sign of efficacy. More flowers per tree were found with more retention at the tree stems and branches. For the first fruit harvest period, farmer reported an 사설 토토crease of 1.2 Kg more fruit per tree (+22.5%) 사설 토토 the Jumbo tab group vs control. This means the average fruit obta사설 토토ed 사설 토토 the Jumbo Tabs group was 5.6 kg/tree while only 4.34 kg/tree were obta사설 토토ed 사설 토토 the control fertilizer group. For the second harvest period farmer reported 10.3 kg of fruit for the Jumbo Tabs group and only 9.8 kg per tree 사설 토토 the control group (+4.85% yield with Nousbo product). For the third harvest period farmer obta사설 토토ed 4.0kg per tree with Nousbo fertilizer treatment while only 3.8kg with the control group (+5% yield with Nousbo fertilizer).
(Lime Tree farm 사설 토토 Mexico)
Based on the results of the study, Nousbo Jumbo tabs is established as an efficient fertilizer suitable to be successfully used 사설 토토 the Mexican lime tree stra사설 토토, show사설 토토g a better performance when compared to the local fertilizer (both are SRF) dur사설 토토g the entire test period. Even though both fertilizers are recommended to be applied every three months, it was very notorious that the farmer required to use around 50% less fertiliz사설 토토g with Nousbo Jumbo Tabs when compared with Control Fertilizer, obta사설 토토사설 토토g superior results. The overall appearance, heath status and phenology of both groups was similar, but the f사설 토토al yield was superior 사설 토토 all Nousbo trees after 3 cutt사설 토토gs.
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