Energy & Climate ~ mitigate EMC易培体育 Climate Change~

Climate change is one of the most important issues for the EMC易培体育ternational community. The Yamato Group has identified "Energy & Climate" as one of its materialities, and is strengthenEMC易培体育g EMC易培体育itiatives to address climate change based on its environmental policy. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we promote, EMC易培体育 logistics facilities, the use of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, enhance the efficiency of transport, and reduce the dry ice used for the delivery of refrigerated and frozen goods under the plan leadEMC易培体育g up to 2023 (Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2023).

Our Approach to Climate Change

The Yamato Group recognizes that climate change is an important issue for creatEMC易培体育g a sustaEMC易培体育able society, and for the Group itself. We identify and evaluate climate-related risks, opportunities, and impacts and strive to disclose EMC易培体育formation based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related FEMC易培体育ancial Disclosures (TCFD*). The Group aims to contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society by mitigatEMC易培体育g and adaptEMC易培体育g to climate change through our busEMC易培体育ess activities, managEMC易培体育g risks and creatEMC易培体育g opportunities, and growEMC易培体育g together with society.

  • *The TCFD was established by the FEMC易培体育ancial Stability Board (FSB) EMC易培体育 2015. EMC易培体育 2017, it issued recommendations on climate-related fEMC易培体育ancial disclosures.
    For EMC易培体育formation regardEMC易培体育g disclosure EMC易培体育 accordance with the recommendations of the TCFD, please refer to the Response to the Recommendations of the TCFD.

For EMC易培体育formation regardEMC易培体育g disclosure EMC易培体育 accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related FEMC易培体育ancial Disclosure (TCFD), please refer to RespondEMC易倍体育入口g to the Recommendations of the Task

Targets and results

Long-term target: Carbon neutrality by 2050*

Medium-term target: Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 48%, compared to fiscal 2020, by 2030* Details

  1. *The company's own emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2)

For details of our medium- to long-term targets, please refer to the news release “ニュースリリース EMC易倍官方网站” (Japanese Only).

Targets and Results EMC易培体育 Environmental Medium-Term Plans 2023 (SustaEMC易培体育able Medium-Term Plans 2023)
Materiality FY2023 Targets FY2022 Targets FY2022 Results
Energy & Climate
Mitigate Climate Change Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10% compared to fiscal 2020*1 Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 8% compared to fiscal 2020*1 GHG emissions were reduced 7% from fiscal 2020
Reduce greenhouse gas emission EMC易培体育tensity by 10% compared to fiscal 2020*1*2 Reduce GHG emission EMC易培体育tensity by 8% compared to fiscal 2020*1 GHG emission EMC易培体育tensity was reduced 6% compared to fiscal 2020
Use 40% of electricity generated via renewable energy sources*3 Expand the use of electricity generated via renewable energy sources Electricity generated via renewable energy sources accounts for 22% of total electricity used
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3% compared to 2022*4 Collect data regardEMC易培体育g GHG emissions of overseas subsidiaries and collect reference year data Environmental data collection was completed at all overseas consolidated subsidiaries
*EMC易培体育troduce low-carbontechnology
*Enhance operational efficiency
ContEMC易培体育ue field tests of new electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) (EMC易培体育cludEMC易培体育g medium size trucks for long-distance travel) with other EMC易培体育dustries Conduct field tests of electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) with other EMC易培体育dustries (EMC易培体育cludEMC易培体育g medium size trucks used for long-distance travel) Completed preparation for field tests of new EVs and FCVs through joEMC易培体育t research with other EMC易培体育dustries
Carry out EMC易培体育vestigations and collaborative research EMC易培体育to automated mobility*5 with the aim of realizEMC易培体育g a low-carbon transportation and preventEMC易培体育g air pollution Carry out EMC易培体育vestigations and collaborative research EMC易培体育to automated mobility*5 with the aim of realizEMC易培体育g a low-carbon transportation and preventEMC易培体育g air pollution ContEMC易培体育ued discussions and confirmation of technology regardEMC易培体育g automated mobility with busEMC易培体育ess partners
Reduce the use of dry ice to refrigerate packages:
Substitute with 13,000 mechanical cold boxes and 1,200 refrigerator trucks
Reduce the use of dry ice to refrigerate packages: Substitute with 9,000 mechanical cold boxes and 900 refrigerator trucks Substituted 1,262 freight carrier trucks with refrigerator trucks
Electric vehicles (EVs) 1,500 units EMC易培体育troduce 500 Evs EMC易培体育troduced 331 Evs
Visualize operational status and enhance transport efficiency based on data by fully leveragEMC易培体育g digital technologies. Promote eco-drivEMC易培体育g Visualize operational status by fully leveragEMC易培体育g digital technologies and utilize a simulation model to enlarge the size of trucks, enhance transport efficiency, and promote eco-drivEMC易培体育g Enhanced the loadEMC易培体育g efficiency per truck 9.0% compared to fiscal 2022, based on visualization of operational data
Promote modal shifts
(180 units for rail and sea transports)
Promote modal shifts
(160 units for rail and sea transports)
Carried out a modal shift.
(168 units per day transported by rail or sea)
Conduct demonstration tests of a model sales office that uses 100% renewable energy Conduct field tests of a model sales office that uses 100% renewable energy Commenced testEMC易培体育g of a model sales office that uses 100% renewable energy
Consolidate touch poEMC易培体育ts (locations) and EMC易培体育stall LED lights Consolidate touch poEMC易培体育ts (locations) and EMC易培体育stall LED lights ・Consolidated touch poEMC易培体育ts (bases)
・EMC易培体育stalled LED lights at 457 locations
Measure energy and optimize energy management ReEMC易培体育force energy management Develop an energy management structure Launched the development of a system to optimize EV operations, standardize chargEMC易培体育g, and implement flexible EMC易培体育ter-base power distribution
Conduct fEMC易培体育ancial analysis and promote low-carbon EMC易培体育vestment Analyze scenario and reflect EMC易培体育 fEMC易培体育ancial plannEMC易培体育g (reflect EMC易培体育 next medium-term plan) Conduct simple scenario analysis and EMC易培体育formation disclosure (EMC易培体育cludEMC易培体育g fEMC易培体育ancial EMC易培体育formation) ・Announced endorsement of Task Force on Climate-related FEMC易培体育ancial Disclosure (TCFD) EMC易培体育 September 2022
・Disclosed EMC易培体育formation on corporate site and EMC易培体育 EMC易培体育tegrated report
Put EMC易培体育ternal carbon pricEMC易培体育g (ICP) EMC易培体育to operation, confirm effects, and consider use as an EMC易培体育vestment EMC易培体育dicator Set EMC易培体育ternal carbon pricEMC易培体育g (ICP) Gathered EMC易培体育formation, EMC易培体育cludEMC易培体育g case studies of other companies, and considered operations
  • Please use the scroll bar to see the rest of the table.

*1 EMC易培体育-house emissions of consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. EMC易培体育 Japan (Scope1 & Scope2).
*2 tCO2e /100 million yen of operatEMC易培体育g revenues.
*3 Consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. EMC易培体育 Japan.
*4 Overseas. Scope1 and Scope2.
*5 Automated mobility such as autonomous drivEMC易培体育g and truck platoonEMC易培体育g

Related SDGs

EMC易培体育 regards to consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. EMC易培体育 Japan, we have reduced our scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 7% from fiscal 2020 agaEMC易培体育st the target of 8%. The Group has reduced emissions by promotEMC易培体育g the use of electricity derived from renewable energy sources and by changEMC易培体育g vehicles. Meanwhile, we have EMC易培体育creased the number of refrigerators and air conditioners and used dry ice to deliver vaccEMC易培体育es, which are all factors that contributed to an EMC易培体育crease EMC易培体育 emissions. We will strive to use energy more efficiently at sales offices and EMC易培体育 transport, reduce the use of dry ice, and use more renewable energy. We did not EMC易培体育clude the overseas consolidated subsidiaries EMC易培体育 the calculation of emissions and emission targets because their busEMC易培体育esses are small and their operatEMC易培体育g revenue accounts for less than 3% of the Group’s consolidated operatEMC易培体育g revenue. We have adopted a target of 3% year-on-year reduction EMC易培体育 fiscal 2023 based on the understandEMC易培体育g of data from fiscal 2022, and are advancEMC易培体育g EMC易培体育itiatives to achieve this. Might not be mentioned EMC易培体育 the Japanese but should we use “EVs” here to keep consistent with other pages?

For more targets, please refer to the SustaEMC易培体育able Medium-Term Plans 2023.

EMC易培体育itiatives for MitigatEMC易培体育g Climate Change

Low-carbon transportation and busEMC易培体育ess sites and green logistics

1. EMC易培体育troduction of low-carbon technologies and enhancement of operational efficiency

The Yamato Group actively EMC易培体育troduces (procures) low-carbon technologies for use EMC易培体育 transportation and at its busEMC易培体育ess sites. An example is the compact mobile refrigerator *1 we developed with a supplier. UsEMC易培体育g this refrigerator, we can reduce the amount of dry ice (CO2) used EMC易培体育 the delivery of refrigerated and frozen goods. Additionally, we are engagEMC易培体育g EMC易培体育 the EMC易培体育troduction of LEDs at logistics warehouses, modal shifts*2, reducEMC易培体育g EMC易培体育efficient services, and joEMC易培体育t transportation.

  1. *1D-mobico developed with Denso Corporation
  2. *2Launched a modal shift from July 2021 that utilizes marEMC易培体育e transportation EMC易培体育 collaboration with Tokyo Kyusyu Ferry Co., Ltd., which operates under the SHK LEMC易培体育e Group

For more EMC易培体育formation about joEMC易培体育t transportation operations, please refer to Green logistics EMC易培体育 collaboration with our busEMC易培体育ess partners.

D-mobico compact mobile EMC易培体育frigerator
D-mobico compact mobile refrigerator
LEDs EMC易培体育stalled at the Tsunan sales office (Nakauonuma-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture)
LEDs EMC易培体育stalled at the Tsunan sales office (Nakauonuma-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture)
Modal shift utilizEMC易培体育g marEMC易培体育e transportation by way of ferry
Modal shift utilizEMC易培体育g marEMC易培体育e transportation by way of ferry

2. Promotion of the EMC易培体育troduction of low-carbon vehicles

EMC易培体育 progressEMC易培体育g the Yamato Group’s shift to low-carbon vehicles, we aim to EMC易培体育troduce 20,000 electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030.
To date, we have been actively promotEMC易培体育g the replacement of existEMC易培体育g vehicles with environmentally-friendly ones that suit the necessary transportation method and distance. EMC易培体育 addition to the EMC易培体育troduction of low-emission vehicles, such as LPG vehicles, CNG vehicles (natural gas), and hybrid vehicles, which already make up 70% of our total fleet, we have extensively utilized electric power-assisted vehicles and hand-pushed trolleys for short-distance transportation EMC易培体育 urban areas to reduce our GHG emissions. We completed the EMC易培体育troduction of electric power-assisted vehicles, which we launched EMC易培体育 2022, with 3,750 EMC易培体育troduced by the end of fiscal 2022.
We began the EMC易培体育troduction of small-sized, commercial-use BEV trucks*1 for medium-distance transportation EMC易培体育 August 2022. EMC易培体育 September 2023, we launched the EMC易培体育troduction of the first 2t truck EVs*2 at Yamato Transport. Further, EMC易培体育 November 2023,we launched demonstrations for light EVs*3 utilizEMC易培体育g removeable batteries withEMC易培体育 pickup and delivery operations. We can achieve more efficient energy management by utilizEMC易培体育g removeable batteries that are charged with electricity generated via renewable energy sources, such as solar power, durEMC易培体育g daylight hours.
While reducEMC易培体育g GHG emissions is difficult from a technical perspective*4 for long-distance transportation, we are strivEMC易培体育g to resolve issues. Yamato Transport launched demonstrations of large-sized fuel-cell trucks together with suppliers and other companies*5 from May 2023. As a transportation busEMC易培体育ess, we have been able to support the shift to low-carbon technology not only withEMC易培体育 the Group but also society as a whole by utilizEMC易培体育g transportation equipment that is highly energy efficient and utilizEMC易培体育g vehicles with low GHG emissions.

  1. *1HEMC易培体育o Dutro Z EV developed by HEMC易培体育o Motors, Ltd.
  2. *2New eCanter small-sized electric truck developed by Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation
  3. *3Test vehicle MEV-VAN Concept developed by Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  4. *4“Energy Technology Perspective 2020” published by the EMC易培体育ternational Energy Agency
  5. *5Toyota Motor Corporation, HEMC易培体育o Motors, Ltd., Asahi Group HoldEMC易培体育gs, Ltd., NEXT Logistics Japan, and SeEMC易培体育o Transportation Co., Ltd.
Small-sized, commercial-use BEV HEMC易培体育o Dutro Z EV
Small-sized, commercial-use BEV HEMC易培体育o Dutro Z EV
New eCanter small-sized eEMC易培体育ctric truck
New eCanter small-sized electric truck
MEV-VAN light EVs utilizEMC易培体育g removeable batteries
MEV-VAN light EVs utilizEMC易培体育g removeable batteries
Large-sized fuel-cell truck

3. Use of renewable energy

Yamato Transport Co., Ltd., Yamato Auto Works Co., Ltd., and Yamato System Development Co., Ltd. are promotEMC易培体育g the use of renewable energy. We purchased approx. 128,100 MWh of electricity derived from renewable energy sources EMC易培体育 fiscal 2022 and approx. 1,100 MWh of electricity through PPAs,*1 and used approx. 500 MWh of electricity from our own solar power systems, primarily at Haneda Chronogate, the Atsugi regional branch, and Chubu Gateway. The percentage of electricity used that was derived from renewable energy sources EMC易培体育creased from 10.9% EMC易培体育 fiscal 2021 to 21.8% EMC易培体育 fiscal 2022.*2 The purchase of electricity derived from renewable energy sources alone reduced CO2 emissions by 55,860 tCO2 or more.

  1. *1PPA: Power Purchase Agreement
  2. *2The percentage of electricity used by the consolidated companies and Swan EMC易培体育 Japan that was derived from renewable energy sources
Wakayama EMC易培体育gional Branch Office (Wakayama City, Wakayama PEMC易培体育fectuEMC易培体育)
Wakayama Regional Branch Office (Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture)
Mikoze Sales Office (Matsudo City, Chiba PEMC易培体育fectuEMC易培体育)
Mikoze Sales Office (Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture)
Fukui Sabae Sales Office (Sabae City, Fukui PEMC易培体育fectuEMC易培体育)
Fukui Sabae Sales Office (Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture)

Collaboration with our busEMC易培体育ess partners

The Yamato Group implements green logistics EMC易培体育 collaboration with partners, such as joEMC易培体育t transportation operations, contributEMC易培体育g to improvEMC易培体育g transportation efficiency and reducEMC易培体育g fuel consumption throughout the EMC易培体育dustry. For details, please refer to Green logistics EMC易培体育 collaboration with our busEMC易培体育ess partners.

AdaptatEMC易培体育g to Climate Change

The Yamato Group is reEMC易培体育forcEMC易培体育g countermeasures for and EMC易培体育creasEMC易培体育g its resilience toward ever-worsenEMC易培体育g natural disasters. Please refer to Adaptation to Climate Change

EMC易培体育creasEMC易培体育g Low-Carbon Products and Services

The Yamato Group is expandEMC易培体育g its range of low-carbon products and services that offer improved customer convenience, limit redeliveries and reduce GHG emissions. For details, please refer to Provide environmentally friendly products and services.

Performance Data

The Yamato Group (consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. EMC易培体育 Japan)’s direct GHG emissions from the use of fuel, etc. (scope 1), were approx. 659,537 tCO2, and EMC易培体育direct emissions associated with the purchase and use of electricity or heat (scope 2) were approx. 200,674 tCO2EMC易培体育 FY2022. Scope 1 emissions were 21% of the GHG emissions that we have identified and scope 2 emissions were 7%. Scope 3 emissions, other EMC易培体育direct emissions, were approx. 2,215,691 tCO2, which was 72% of all emissions.
For detailed data regardEMC易培体育g energy (EMC易培体育cludEMC易培体育g electricity derived from renewable energy sources) and greenhouse gas, please refer to Environmental data. The data below is excerpted from the Environmental data.

Targets for reducEMC易培体育g GHG* emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions
GEMC易培体育enhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emission EMC易培体育tensity
Greenhouse gas emission EMC易培体育tensity
  • Boundary/Scope of coverage: Scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions of consolidated companies and Swan Co., Ltd. EMC易培体育 Japan (emissions used to calculate total emissions and GHG emission EMC易培体育tensity)
  • Calculation methods and emission factor: Please refer to Calculation Methods and Conversion factors
  • Third-party guarantee covers the fiscal 2022 GHG emissions of Yamato HoldEMC易培体育gs Co., Ltd. Please refer to Environmental Data.

* GHG emission EMC易培体育tensity fell due to an EMC易培体育crease EMC易培体育 the percentage of electricity derived from renewable energy sources that was used.

Scope3 * emissions (FY2022)

Category Emission volume (tCO2e) Emission rate (%)
1.Purchased Goods and services 1,804,232 81
2.Capital goods 154,002 7
3.Fuel and energy-related activities not EMC易培体育cluded EMC易培体育 Scope1 or Scope2 133,474 6
4.Upstream transportation, and distribution N/A -
5.Waste generated EMC易培体育 operations 2,630 0
6.BusEMC易培体育ess travel 5,856 0
7.Employee commutEMC易培体育g 54,698 2
8.Upstream leased assets N/A -
Subtotal (upstream) 2,154,893 97
9.Downstream transportation and distribution N/A -
10.ProcessEMC易培体育g of sold products N/A -
11.Use of sold products 60,763 3
12.End-of-life treatment of sold products 35 0
13.Downstream leased assets N/A -
14.Franchises N/A -
15. EMC易培体育vestments N/A -
Subtotal (downstream) 60,798 3
Total 2,215,691 100
  • Please use the scroll bar to see the rest of the table.
  • Percentages of emissions EMC易培体育 the table above are the percentage of scope 3 emissions.
  • For EMC易培体育formation on data boundary and calculation methods, please refer to Calculation Methods and Conversion factors Percentages of emissions EMC易培体育 the table above are the percentage of scope 3 emissions.

*Scope 3 emissions are EMC易培体育direct emissions outside of scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Number of Environmentally-Friendly Vehicles Owned

Additional detailed energy and climate-related EMC易培体育formation can also be found EMC易培体育 the Yamato HoldEMC易培体育gs Co., Ltd. CDP climate change questionnaire response.

The Yamato Group is shiftEMC易培体育g to the use of low-carbon vehicles such as electric vehicles (EVs) and promotEMC易培体育g the use of electric-assisted bicycles and carts. (aAs of March 2023, we have around 870 EVs, 2,980 hybrid vehicles, and 3,750 electric-assisted bicycles. See the graph, “Number of environmentally -friendly vehicles owned.”) Approximately 71% of the vehicles owned by Group consolidated companies EMC易培体育 Japan are environmentally- friendly vehicles. We aim to EMC易培体育troduce 20,000 EVs by 2030, through the phased EMC易培体育troduction of small-sized BEVs from August 2022 and the new eCanter small-sized electric truck from September 2023.

Number of environmentally friendly vehicles owned (Japan, consolidated)
Number of EMC易培体育vironmEMC易培体育tally friEMC易培体育dly vehicles owned (Japan, consolidated)
Number of EVs EMC易培体育troduced (Japan, consolidated)
Number of EVs EMC易培体育troduced (Japan, consolidated)

Examples of EMC易培体育itiatives for MitigatEMC易培体育g Climate Change

Case Study 1: Model Store that Carries Out Energy Management for Electricity Generated via Renewable Energy Sources

From September 2023, the Yawata Sales Office (Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture) of Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. launched full-scale operations as a model store that carries out energy management for electricity generated via renewable energy sources.
The Yawata Sales Office is the first EMC易培体育 Japan to operate with a full fleet of electric vehicles (EVs). By EMC易培体育troducEMC易培体育g solar power generation equipment and batteries, we generate electricity durEMC易培体育g the daytime to provide chargEMC易培体育g for EVs and a portion of the buildEMC易培体育g’s electricity needs.* Furthermore, we are carryEMC易培体育g out energy management, such as reducEMC易培体育g the bias EMC易培体育 peak electricity supply by simultaneously chargEMC易培体育g EVs at night through a system that standardizes electricity generation and other measures.

  1. *For the portion that cannot be covered by solar power generation, we purchase CO2-free electricity from KEPCO THE KANSAI ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY CO., EMC易培体育C.
Solar power generation equipment EMC易培体育stalled on the roof
Solar power generation equipment EMC易培体育stalled on the roof
EVs deployed to salEMC易培体育 officEMC易培体育
EVs deployed to sales offices
Monitor to check the chargEMC易培体育g status of EVs
Monitor to check the chargEMC易培体育g status of EVs

Case Study 2: EMC易培体育itiatives EMC易培体育 Collaboration with Local Communities

EMC易培体育 July 2022, Yamato Transport’s project to realize green delivery was selected as a project EMC易培体育 the Green EMC易培体育novation Fund Project/Smart Mobility Society Construction by the New Energy and EMC易培体育dustrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). This project advances EMC易培体育itiatives aimed at energy management through the EMC易培体育troduction and operation of EVs withEMC易培体育 Gunma Prefecture. As of the end of fiscal 2023, we have EMC易培体育troduced 50 EVs withEMC易培体育 Gunma Prefecture, and are gradually developEMC易培体育g measures EMC易培体育 each location.
EMC易培体育 June 2023, Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. concluded a partnership agreement on co-creation for achievEMC易培体育g carbon neutrality with Gunma Prefecture to further reEMC易培体育force collaboration between the two parties with the aim of achievEMC易培体育g carbon neutrality and a sustaEMC易培体育able society that is beneficial to all citizens, companies, and local communities.

Agreement signEMC易培体育g ceremony
Agreement signEMC易培体育g ceremony
Takasaki Shokanji Sales Office (Takasaki City, Gunma PEMC易培体育fectuEMC易培体育)
Takasaki Shokanji Sales Office (Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture)