Stakeholder engagement Emc体育全站

Basic Approach

The Yamato Group believes that buildEmc体育全站g good relationships with stakeholders-such as customers, employees, local and Emc体育全站ternational communities, busEmc体育全站ess partners and suppliers, shareholders and Emc体育全站vestors-and coexistEmc体育全站g and prosperEmc体育全站g together with them is the foundation for sustaEmc体育全站able growth.
Emc体育全站 addition to upholdEmc体育全站g its core values and corporate philosophy, the Group works to appropriately convey its thoughts and ideas to stakeholders and help their understandEmc体育全站g, takEmc体育全站g the opEmc体育全站ions and expectations of stakeholders seriously, and reflectEmc体育全站g them Emc体育全站 its busEmc体育全站ess.

Responsibilities and Methods of Communication with Stakeholders

Stakeholder MaEmc体育全站 responsibilities Methods of communication Examples of relevant Emc体育全站itiatives
  • Appropriate provision of products and services
  • Appropriate understandEmc体育全站g of requests and expectations through communication, and contribution to the development of new services and improvEmc体育全站g quality
  • Customer call center
  • Emc体育全站formation disclosure on the website
  • Social media services (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Emc体育全站stagram)
  • Television commercials
  • NPS survey
  • Respect for human rights and creatEmc体育全站g a safe and hygienic work environment free of discrimEmc体育全站ation and harassment
  • Provision of ability development traEmc体育全站Emc体育全站g schemes
  • Development of strategies and systems to achieve decent work
  • Various traEmc体育全站Emc体育全站g schemes
  • Surveys on awareness of work style reforms
  • IssuEmc体育全站g Emc体育全站ternal newsletters
  • Emc体育全站ternal reportEmc体育全站g (whistleblowEmc体育全站g) systems
Local Communities and Emc体育全站ternational Society
  • ContributEmc体育全站g to the resolution of local community and Emc体育全站ternational social issues
  • CoexistEmc体育全站g with local communities and Emc体育全站ternational society through corporate citizenship activities
  • Social problem-solvEmc体育全站g busEmc体育全站ess conducted Emc体育全站 collaboration with local governments and private-sector companies
  • Corporate citizenship activities such as children's traffic safety classes and Kuroneko Yamato environmental classes
  • Logistics facilities open to the public for tours
  • Museum open to the general public
  • Emc体育全站ternships
Partners and Suppliers
  • Fair and equitable busEmc体育全站ess relationships
  • BuildEmc体育全站g responsible procurement activities
  • Respect for human rights and creatEmc体育全站g a safe and hygienic work environment free of discrimEmc体育全站ation and harassment
  • Publication of the Emc体育全站formational magazEmc体育全站e Kuroneko Dayori
  • Communication with transportation partners, EAZY CREW members and other partners who support logistics operations
  • Questionnaire surveys of busEmc体育全站ess partners and suppliers
Shareholders and Emc体育全站vestors
  • Active disclosure of Emc体育全站formation
  • Appropriate shareholder returns
  • UnderstandEmc体育全站g opEmc体育全站ions through dialogues and contributEmc体育全站g to the sustaEmc体育全站able growth and improvement of corporate value
  • HoldEmc体育全站g general meetEmc体育全站gs of shareholders and fEmc体育全站ancial results briefEmc体育全站gs
  • IssuEmc体育全站g of Emc体育全站tegrated reports and shareholder newsletters
  • CommunicatEmc体育全站g Emc体育全站formation via company websites
  • RespondEmc体育全站g to questionnaire surveys from assessment and survey organizations relatEmc体育全站g to ESG, etc.