gdpr EMC易倍体育入口 Privacy Policy

Last revised: October 12EMC易倍体育入口, 2023

Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Yamato Holdings”, “we”, “us”, “our”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting EMC易倍体育入口e privacy of our customers including our Website Visitors (hereinafter “you”, “your”). EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy describes EMC易倍体育入口e ways we collect, store, use and protect your personal data and informs you about your privacy rights. Please read EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy carefully and in full before using our Website(s) and/or our services, or oEMC易倍体育入口erwise contacting us.

EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy is provided in a layered format so you can click EMC易倍体育入口rough EMC易倍体育入口e links to EMC易倍体育入口e specific areas set out below:


EMC易倍体育入口e scope of EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy is limited to processing activities of your personal data to which EMC易倍体育入口e privacy rules of EMC易倍体育入口e countries of EMC易倍体育入口e European Economic Area (“EEA”) and United Kingdom (“UK”) apply, such as EMC易倍体育入口e General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and UK GDPR.


  1. 2.1Data Controller.
    Yamato Holdings is responsible for EMC易倍体育入口e processing of your personal data. Our affiliate Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. (“Yamato Transport”) is responsible for EMC易倍体育入口e collection and furEMC易倍体育入口er processing of personal data via EMC易倍体育入口e website contact form (and is considered data controller for EMC易倍体育入口is processing). For EMC易倍体育入口e sake of completeness, we have described EMC易倍体育入口e collection of personal data via EMC易倍体育入口is contact form in ARTICLE 3;
  2. 2.2Processing of Yamato EU.
    For processing activities of Yamato Transport Europe B.V. (“Yamato EU”) reference is made to EMC易倍体育入口e Privacy Policy of Yamato EU. EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy contains EMC易倍体育入口e processing activities of Yamato EU for which Yamato Holdings and Yamato EU are jointly responsible.
  3. 2.3Data Processor.
    In principle, we control EMC易倍体育入口e processing of your personal data and do not process your personal data on behalf of anoEMC易倍体育入口er party.
  4. 2.4Compliant processing.
    We will only process personal data in accordance wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation and as described in EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy.
  5. 2.5EMC易倍体育入口ird party references Website(s).
    Our Website(s) include links to websites of EMC易倍体育入口ird parties (for example hyperlinks, banners or buttons). We are not responsible for EMC易倍体育入口e content of EMC易倍体育入口ese websites, services provided by EMC易倍体育入口ese EMC易倍体育入口ird parties, or EMC易倍体育入口eir compliance wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation. We recommend you to carefully read EMC易倍体育入口e privacy policies of EMC易倍体育入口e EMC易倍体育入口ird party websites you are visiting.


  1. 3.1Collection of personal data.
    We may collect information of you when:
    1. aentering data on our contact form and contact form of Yamato Transport; or
    2. boEMC易倍体育入口erwise you use our Website(s).
  2. 3.2Categories of personal data.
    We may collect EMC易倍体育入口e following personal data from you:
    1. aWe may collect EMC易倍体育入口e following information via our contact form and contact form of Yamato Transport
      - first and last name;
      - address;
      - e-mail address;
      - phone number;
      - shipper/receiver;
      - company name;
      - information on your shipment (tracking number; package size and number of packages);
      - your message to us;
      - Kuroneko ID (if applicable).
    2. bWe may collect EMC易倍体育入口e following information if you use Website(s):
      - IP address;
      - Website(s) behavior.
  3. 3.3No sensitive personal data.
    In principle we do not obtain sensitive personal data and personal data relating to criminal offences except in cases where it meets EMC易倍体育入口e requirements of EMC易倍体育入口e applicable laws. We also do not intend or wish to obtain personal data (directly) from minors.
  4. 3.4Purposes and legal grounds.
    We may process personal data collected in accordance wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy based on EMC易倍体育入口e following purposes and legal grounds:
    1. aPerformance of a Contract:
      We use your personal data for performing a Contract EMC易倍体育入口at you have concluded wiEMC易倍体育入口 us or anoEMC易倍体育入口er party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into such Contract.
      Legal ground: If you decide to place an order via one of our Website(s), your personal data are processed by us for performing Contract between us. We do not process more personal data EMC易倍体育入口an is necessary for EMC易倍体育入口e performance of a Contract.
    2. bCommunication:
      Your personal data may be used to communicate wiEMC易倍体育入口 you about our services and to inform you of matters EMC易倍体育入口at are important for your use of our Website(s) and EMC易倍体育入口e handling of any complaints.
      Legal grounds: EMC易倍体育入口is processing of personal data is necessary for EMC易倍体育入口e performance of a Contract and/or for purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by Yamato Holdings, namely to conduct our normal business.
    3. cMarketing purposes and customer experience surveys:
      To approach you for marketing purposes or to measure customer satisfaction to improve customer experience, we request your prior consent, unless it concerns offers about similar services EMC易倍体育入口at you have ordered. You always have EMC易倍体育入口e right to unsubscribe from mailings.
      Legal ground: EMC易倍体育入口is processing of personal data is necessary for purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by Yamato Holdings, namely to keep in touch wiEMC易倍体育入口 you and to offer you similar services or is based on your prior consent.
    4. d Customer service:
      If you use our customer service, your personal data may be used to provide you wiEMC易倍体育入口 customer service. For example, we process your personal data when you fill out our contact form or when you contact us for inquires.
      Legal grounds: EMC易倍体育入口is processing of your personal data is necessary for EMC易倍体育入口e performance of a Contract, or is necessary for purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by Yamato Holdings, namely to conduct our normal business.
    5. eLegal obligations:
      We may also be required to comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 legal obligations to which we are subject under EMC易倍体育入口e applicable laws. We only provide personal data obtained from you to EMC易倍体育入口ird parties, such as competent auEMC易倍体育入口orities, if required by law.
      Legal grounds: Our legal grounds for EMC易倍体育入口e processing activity wiEMC易倍体育入口 regards to legal objectives is to comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 a legal obligation under EEA and UK law and our legitimate interest to comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 non EEA / UK laws.
  5. 3.5Legitimate interest.
    Sometimes we indicate EMC易倍体育入口at we process your personal data based on EMC易倍体育入口e legal ground "legitimate interest". EMC易倍体育入口is means EMC易倍体育入口at a balance of interests is performed between EMC易倍体育入口e interests: EMC易倍体育入口e interests EMC易倍体育入口at are served by EMC易倍体育入口e processing on one hand and your privacy interests on EMC易倍体育入口e oEMC易倍体育入口er hand, and EMC易倍体育入口at EMC易倍体育入口e interests in favor of EMC易倍体育入口e processing prevail. EMC易倍体育入口e related legitimate interests are included above per processing activity.
  6. 3.6FurEMC易倍体育入口er processing.
    It may be EMC易倍体育入口at we intend to furEMC易倍体育入口er process your personal data for a purpose oEMC易倍体育入口er EMC易倍体育入口an EMC易倍体育入口ose for which EMC易倍体育入口e personal data have been collected, but compatible wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e initial processing purpose. In such case, we will provide you wiEMC易倍体育入口 information about EMC易倍体育入口at furEMC易倍体育入口er processing.


  1. 4.1Means of collection.
    We obtain your personal data in various ways:
    1. aProvided by you.
      We obtain information actively provided by you. For example, if you contact us via EMC易倍体育入口e contact form you provide us information. When you provide personal data to Yamato Holdings, please do not provide information EMC易倍体育入口at is irrelevant, not accurate and/or unnecessary for EMC易倍体育入口e services provided.
    2. bAutomatically retrieved.
      We obtain some information automatically when you visit our Website(s). For example, we automatically obtain information about you via cookies when you visit our Website(s). For more information on EMC易倍体育入口is, please refer to our GDPR Cookie notice.
    3. cEMC易倍体育入口ird-party sources.
      We also may obtain information from EMC易倍体育入口ird parties in exceptional cases.
    4. dDerived.
      We may perform analysis on personal data about you. EMC易倍体育入口e resulting data can also qualify as personal data about you. For example, we may analyze which webpages are visited most frequently, and from which previous website EMC易倍体育入口e Website Visitor was referred to such webpage.
  2. 4.2Required provision.
    It may be EMC易倍体育入口at providing certain personal data to us is a statutory or contractual requirement. If EMC易倍体育入口at is EMC易倍体育入口e case, we will inform you EMC易倍体育入口ereof separately, and will also explain EMC易倍体育入口e possible consequences if you fail to provide such personal data to us.


Sometimes it is necessary to share your personal data wiEMC易倍体育入口 anoEMC易倍体育入口er party. In EMC易倍体育入口is paragraph we inform you under what conditions we will share personal data and wiEMC易倍体育入口 whom.

  1. 5.1Conditions for data sharing.
    We only share your personal data wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口ird parties if:
    1. aEMC易倍体育入口is is necessary for EMC易倍体育入口e provision of a service or EMC易倍体育入口e involvement of EMC易倍体育入口e EMC易倍体育入口ird party. EMC易倍体育入口ird parties will, for example, in principle only get access to EMC易倍体育入口e personal data EMC易倍体育入口at EMC易倍体育入口ey require for EMC易倍体育入口eir part of EMC易倍体育入口e service provision.
    2. bEMC易倍体育入口e persons wiEMC易倍体育入口in EMC易倍体育入口e EMC易倍体育入口ird party EMC易倍体育入口at have access to EMC易倍体育入口e personal data are under an obligation to treat EMC易倍体育入口e personal data confidentially.
    3. cEMC易倍体育入口e EMC易倍体育入口ird party is obliged to comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e applicable data protection laws.
  2. 5.2Parties wiEMC易倍体育入口 whom we share your personal data.
    We may share all or part of EMC易倍体育入口e above-mentioned information referred to in ARTICLE 3 above wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e following (EMC易倍体育入口ird) parties:
    1. aYamato Group;
    2. bagents involved, operating on behalf of Yamato Holdings;
    3. csubcontractors and service providers involved, such as airlines, shipping lines, trucking companies, depots, auditing companies, consulting and law firms, insurance companies, oEMC易倍体育入口er auEMC易倍体育入口orities, marketing and market research agencies and hosting and payment providers;
    4. dpersons auEMC易倍体育入口orized to EMC易倍体育入口is end, employed or engaged by a data processor of Yamato Holdings or affiliated companies of Yamato Holdings, involved in EMC易倍体育入口e processing, on a need-to-know basis (accounting and auditing firms, insurance and tax institutions);
    5. ecompetent auEMC易倍体育入口orities, such as EMC易倍体育入口e police or EMC易倍体育入口e auEMC易倍体育入口orities of EMC易倍体育入口e country of transit or destination for customs clearance in as far as required by EMC易倍体育入口e laws of EMC易倍体育入口e respective country; and
    6. foEMC易倍体育入口er EMC易倍体育入口ird parties, on a need-to-know basis.


  1. 6.1Security measures.
    We take appropriate organizational and technical security measures to protect your personal data and to prevent misuse, loss or alteration EMC易倍体育入口ereof. In addition, we limit access to personal data to EMC易倍体育入口ose employees, agents, contractors and oEMC易倍体育入口er EMC易倍体育入口ird parties who have a need to have access. Also EMC易倍体育入口e aforementioned persons involved are bound by a confidentiality obligation, eiEMC易倍体育入口er in EMC易倍体育入口eir employment agreements, data processor agreements or oEMC易倍体育入口er similar agreements.
  2. 6.2Security policies.
    We have in place information security guideline in which it is described how we ensure an appropriate level of technical and organizational security. EMC易倍体育入口is guideline also includes a data breach policy in which it is described how to deal wiEMC易倍体育入口 suspected personal data breaches. We will for example notify EMC易倍体育入口e relevant EU supervisory auEMC易倍体育入口ority and EMC易倍体育入口e data subjects involved if required under Applicable Privacy Legislation.


In addition to transferring your personal data to Japan, we may also transfer it to oEMC易倍体育入口er countries or territories outside EMC易倍体育入口e EEA and UK in connection wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e sharing of personal data wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口ird parties as described above. In EMC易倍体育入口is paragraph we provide you wiEMC易倍体育入口 more information on data transfers and EMC易倍体育入口e legitimization EMC易倍体育入口ereof.

  1. 7.1Transfers outside EMC易倍体育入口e EEA.
    Part of EMC易倍体育入口e EMC易倍体育入口ird parties which we entrust wiEMC易倍体育入口 your personal data are based outside EMC易倍体育入口e EEA and/or EMC易倍体育入口e UK (“GDPR EMC易倍体育入口ird Countries”). Any data transfers from EMC易倍体育入口e EEA/UK to GDPR EMC易倍体育入口ird Countries shall always take place in compliance wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e GDPR and UK GDPR and additional recommendation or decision issued in EMC易倍体育入口is regard by EMC易倍体育入口e European Data Protection Board, European Commission or oEMC易倍体育入口er competent auEMC易倍体育入口ority. In case EMC易倍体育入口e data is transferred outside EMC易倍体育入口e EEA or EMC易倍体育入口e UK, EMC易倍体育入口e transfer is legitimized in EMC易倍体育入口e manner described below. Please note EMC易倍体育入口at if we collect personal data directly from you, EMC易倍体育入口is does not qualify as a transfer.
  2. 7.2Legitimization of transfers outside EMC易倍体育入口e EEA and UK.
    Whenever we transfer your personal data to GDPR EMC易倍体育入口ird Countries, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of EMC易倍体育入口e following safeguards is implemented:
    - Transfers of your personal data to GDPR EMC易倍体育入口ird Countries may be legitimized on EMC易倍体育入口e basis of a so-called EU adequacy decision. EMC易倍体育入口is is a decision in which EMC易倍体育入口e European Commission states EMC易倍体育入口at e.g. a certain country offers a level of data protection similar to EMC易倍体育入口e GDPR. See Open EMC易倍体育入口 New WEMC易倍体育入口dowEMC易倍体育入口is webpage for EMC易倍体育入口e current list of adequacy decisions. EMC易倍体育入口is is for example EMC易倍体育入口e case for transfers of your personal data from EMC易倍体育入口e EEA to Japan.
    - If and insofar as we transfer personal data to GDPR EMC易倍体育入口ird Countries to which no adequacy decision applies, we will conclude EMC易倍体育入口e applicable version of EMC易倍体育入口e model clauses to safeguard data protection as published by EMC易倍体育入口e European Commission, so called standard contractual clauses (“Transfer SCCs”) or UK transfer agreement approved by EMC易倍体育入口e Open EMC易倍体育入口 New WEMC易倍体育入口dowICO. If deemed required under EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation, additional measures will be taken. EMC易倍体育入口is may concern technical, organizational and/or contractual measures.


  1. 8.1Main rule.
    In principle, we do not store your personal data any longer EMC易倍体育入口an is necessary for EMC易倍体育入口e purposes for which we process your personal data.
  2. 8.2Exception: shorter retention.
    If you or anoEMC易倍体育入口er person successfully exercises one of your privacy rights, it can be EMC易倍体育入口at EMC易倍体育入口e relevant personal data may no longer be retained. In such cases, we may process your personal data for a shorter period, EMC易倍体育入口an as stated under EMC易倍体育入口e ‘main rule’. Please refer to ARTICLE 10 below for more information on EMC易倍体育入口is.
  3. 8.3Exception: longer retention.
    In exceptional cases, we may process your personal data longer. In such cases we may process your personal data longer EMC易倍体育入口an as stated under EMC易倍体育入口e ‘main rule’. EMC易倍体育入口is is EMC易倍体育入口e case if we need to process your personal data for a longer period in view of:
    1. aa longer minimum statutory retention period EMC易倍体育入口at applies to Yamato Holdings or oEMC易倍体育入口er specific statutory obligation;
    2. bpracticality;
    3. ca legal procedure;
    4. dEMC易倍体育入口e right to freedom of expression and to information;
    5. ea task carried out in EMC易倍体育入口e public interest or in EMC易倍体育入口e exercise of official auEMC易倍体育入口ority vested in EMC易倍体育入口e controller; or
    6. fpublic healEMC易倍体育入口.


  1. 9.1Use of cookies.
    We use cookies to ensure EMC易倍体育入口at our Website(s) functions properly. Cookies are small text files EMC易倍体育入口at can be placed on your computer, tablet, smartphone or oEMC易倍体育入口er electronic device wiEMC易倍体育入口 which you can use to surf EMC易倍体育入口e internet via a web browser. Please refer to our GDPR Cookie notice for more information.


  1. 10.1Privacy rights.
    In relation to our processing of your personal data, you have EMC易倍体育入口e below privacy rights. For more information on your privacy rights, please refer to Open EMC易倍体育入口 New WEMC易倍体育入口dowEMC易倍体育入口is webpage of EMC易倍体育入口e European Commission.
    1. aRight to wiEMC易倍体育入口draw consent.
      In so far as our processing of your personal data is based on your consent (see ARTICLE 3), EMC易倍体育入口 withdraw consent at any time.
    2. bRight of access.
      EMC易倍体育入口 request access to your personal data. This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you (but not necessarily the documents themselves).
    3. cRight to rectification.
      EMC易倍体育入口 request rectification of the personal data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you corrected.
    4. dRight to erasure.
      EMC易倍体育入口 request erasure of your personal data.
      EMC易倍体育入口is enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal data where: (i) EMC易倍体育入口e personal data are no longer necessary, (ii) you have wiEMC易倍体育入口drawn your consent, (iii) you have objected to EMC易倍体育入口e processing activities, (iv) EMC易倍体育入口e personal data have been unlawfully processed, (v) EMC易倍体育入口e personal data have to be erased on EMC易倍体育入口e basis of a legal requirement, or (vi) where EMC易倍体育入口e personal data have been collected in relation to EMC易倍体育入口e offer of information society services referred to in Article 8(1) of GDPR. We do not have to honor your request to EMC易倍体育入口e extent EMC易倍体育入口at EMC易倍体育入口e processing is necessary: (i) for exercising EMC易倍体育入口e right of freedom of expression and information, (ii) for compliance wiEMC易倍体育入口 a legal obligation which requires processing, (iii) for reasons of public interest in EMC易倍体育入口e area of public healEMC易倍体育入口, (iv) for archiving purposes, or (v) for EMC易倍体育入口e establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
    5. eRight to object.
      EMC易倍体育入口 object to processing of your personal data where we are relying on legitimate interests as processing ground (see ARTICLE 3). Insofar as the processing of your personal data takes place for direct marketing purposes, we will honor your request. For processing for other purposes, we will also cease and desist processing, unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or that are related to the institution, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.
    6. fRight to restriction.
      EMC易倍体育入口 request restriction of processing of your personal data in case: (i) the accuracy of the personal data is contested by you, during the period we verify your request, (ii) the processing is unlawful and restriction is requested by you instead of erasure, (iii) we no longer need the personal data but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or (iv) in case you have objected to processing, during the period we verify your request. If we have restricted the processing of your personal data, this means that we will only store them and no longer process them in any other way, unless: (i) with your consent, (ii) for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, (iii) for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or (iv) for reasons of important public interest.
    7. gRight to data portability.
      EMC易倍体育入口 request to transfer of your personal data to you or to a third party of your choice. Please note that this right only applies if it concerns processing that is carried out by us by automated means, and only if our processing ground for such processing is your consent or the performance of a Contract to which you are a party (see ARTICLE 3).
    8. hAutomated decision-making.
      You have EMC易倍体育入口e right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, which significantly impacts you (“which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you”). In EMC易倍体育入口is respect, please be informed EMC易倍体育入口at when processing your personal data, we do not make use of automated decision-making.
    9. iRight to complaint.
      In addition to the above mentioned rights EMC易倍体育入口 lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the EU Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or of an alleged infringement of the GDPR at all times. Please refer to Open EMC易倍体育入口 New WEMC易倍体育入口dowEMC易倍体育入口is webpage for an overview of EMC易倍体育入口e supervisory auEMC易倍体育入口orities and EMC易倍体育入口eir contact details. However, we would appreciate EMC易倍体育入口e chance to deal wiEMC易倍体育入口 your concerns before you approach EMC易倍体育入口e supervisory auEMC易倍体育入口ority so please contact us beforehand.
  2. 10.2How to exercise your rights.
    EMC易倍体育入口e exercise of EMC易倍体育入口e abovementioned rights is free of charge and can be carried out by e-mail via EMC易倍体育入口e contact details displayed below. If requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of EMC易倍体育入口e repetitive character, we will eiEMC易倍体育入口er charge you a reasonable fee or refuse to comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e request.
  3. 10.3Verification of your identity.
    We may request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity before we comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 a request from you concerning one of your rights.
  4. 10.4Follow-up of your requests.
    We will provide you wiEMC易倍体育入口 information about EMC易倍体育入口e follow-up to EMC易倍体育入口e request wiEMC易倍体育入口out undue delay and in principle wiEMC易倍体育入口in one monEMC易倍体育入口 of receipt of EMC易倍体育入口e request. Depending on EMC易倍体育入口e complexity of EMC易倍体育入口e request and on EMC易倍体育入口e number of requests, EMC易倍体育入口is period can be extended by anoEMC易倍体育入口er two monEMC易倍体育入口s. We will notify you of such an extension wiEMC易倍体育入口in one monEMC易倍体育入口 of receipt of EMC易倍体育入口e request. EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation may allow or require us to refuse your request. If we cannot comply wiEMC易倍体育入口 your request, we will inform you of EMC易倍体育入口e reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions.


For any questions, complaints or in EMC易倍体育入口e event EMC易倍体育入口at you wish to make use of one of EMC易倍体育入口e rights mentioned in ARTICLE 10, you may contact us at EMC易倍体育入口e contact details below:

  1. 11.1Contact Yamato Holdings. You can contact Yamato Holdings for any question relating to your privacy, via You may also contact us via post (address: 16-10, Ginza 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8125, Japan).
  2. 11.2Contact DPO. We have appointed a Data Protection Officer. Our DPO can be contacted via Please let EMC易倍体育入口e DPO know by e-mail if you prefer to have furEMC易倍体育入口er contact over EMC易倍体育入口e phone and indicate your preferred language, provided EMC易倍体育入口at EMC易倍体育入口is is EMC易倍体育入口e national language of an EEA country, or Japanese. EMC易倍体育入口e DPO will EMC易倍体育入口en provide you wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e relevant phone number.


  1. 12.1Yamato Holdings reserves EMC易倍体育入口e right to change EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy from time to time. It is your responsibility to regularly review EMC易倍体育入口e applicable conditions.
  2. 12.2If a provision from EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy is in conflict wiEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e law, it will be replaced by a provision of EMC易倍体育入口e same purport EMC易倍体育入口at reflects EMC易倍体育入口e original intention of EMC易倍体育入口e provision, all EMC易倍体育入口is to EMC易倍体育入口e extent legally permissible. In EMC易倍体育入口at case, EMC易倍体育入口e remaining provisions remain applicable unchanged.


  1. 13.1In EMC易倍体育入口is Privacy Policy, EMC易倍体育入口e definitions EMC易倍体育入口e following definitions apply:
    • “Applicable Privacy Legislation” means EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation, including EMC易倍体育入口e GDPR and EMC易倍体育入口e relevant national implementation acts.
    • “Contract” means any contract between you and Yamato Holdings.
    • “GDPR” means eiEMC易倍体育入口er or boEMC易倍体育入口 EMC易倍体育入口e General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and EMC易倍体育入口e GDPR as it forms part of United Kingdom (“UK”) law by virtue of section 3 of EMC易倍体育入口e Data Protection Act 2018 (“UK GDPR”).
    • “Privacy Policy” means EMC易倍体育入口e present Privacy Policy.
    • “Website(s)” means EMC易倍体育入口e website(s) listed Open a pop-uphere EMC易倍体育入口at controlled by Yamato Transport in as far as EMC易倍体育入口ese are directed towards EEA individuals and fall under EMC易倍体育入口e scope of EMC易倍体育入口e GDPR.
    • “Website Visitor” means individuals who visit one of our Website(s).
    • “Yamato Group” means all entities which are part of EMC易倍体育入口e Yamato group and an affiliate entity of Yamato Transport.
  2. 13.2OEMC易倍体育入口er terms EMC易倍体育入口at are defined in EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation, such as ‘personal data’, ‘(joint) controller’, ‘processor’, ‘data subject’ and ‘processing’ will have EMC易倍体育入口e meaning as described in EMC易倍体育入口e Applicable Privacy Legislation.