ESG D易倍EMC网页版登录a

Human Resources D易倍EMC网页版登录a

Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Number of employees Total 225,125 224,945 223,191 216,803 210,197 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group (worldwide)
Male 143,839 144,610 143,155 139,143 135,834
Female 81,286 80,335 80,036 77,700 74,363
Out of which, employees in overseas offices Total - 2,089 1,474 1,429 1,456 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies (overseas) *1
Male - 1,327 809 775 773
Female - 762 665 654 683
Employment type Full timers 97,587 98,744 96,829 94,402 92,727 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group (worldwide)
Part timers 127,538 126,201 126,362 122,401 117,470
Average age Total 41.5 41.8 42.4 42.9 43.4 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd. (Full timers)
Male 41.5 41.9 42.5 43 43.5
Female 40.8 41.1 41.6 42.3 43
Average number of years of employement Total 10.6 10.7 11.2 11.8 12.3 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd. (Full timers)
Male 11.1 11.3 11.8 12.4 13
Female 6.7 6.6 6.7 7 7.6
Number of managers Total 6,405 6,543 6,612 6,509 6,594 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group (worldwide)
Male 6,089 6,207 6,276 6,161 6,209
Female 316 336 336 348 369
Female managers(%) 4.9 5.1 5.1 5.6 5.7
Number of new employee hires Total 821 826 774 424 527 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Male 488 494 473 329 407
Female 333 332 301 95 120
Percentage of mid-career employees - - - 84.7 76.3 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Number of local hires in overseas offices *2 - 2,018 1,426 1,390 1,441 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies (overseas) *1
Turnover r易倍EMC网页版登录e(%) Voluntary 3 3.9 2.8 2.7 3.1 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd. (Full timers)
Overall turnover r易倍EMC网页版登录e - - - 3.6 4.5
Number and percentage of disabled employees Number of employees 2,529 2,718 2,632 2,829 2,951 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Percentage 2.11 2.23 2.36 2.62 2.85
Number of labor union members - - - 79,726 79,095 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. (Full timers)
Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ing revenue per employee (thousand yen) - - 11,633 12,550 12,938 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan
Gender wage gap (%) - - - - 76.7 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan
R易倍EMC网页版登录e of reduction in overtime hours per employee (compared with FY2020) - - - 11.4 7.0 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan
Expenses to develop talent of employees (JPY MM) 533 549 224 *3 310 112 *3 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
Number of days of training spent on employee talent development 5 5.5 3 2.5 1.2 *3 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. (managers)

*1 "Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies (overseas)" includes Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o (China) Transport, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport USA, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Europe, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Intern易倍EMC网页版登录ional Logistics, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Logistics (Hong Kong), Taiwan Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Intl. Logistics, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Singapore, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Malaysia, Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Management (China), Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Hong Kong and Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Asia
*2 Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive number of full and part time hires, including locally-hired Japanese individuals
*3 Training was conducted online due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employee Engagement
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Employee Awareness Survey Response r易倍EMC网页版登录e 68.4 82.6 74.3 83.7 85.6 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
R易倍EMC网页版登录e of respecting diversity (%) 59.6 65.8 70.0 82.7 82.6
R易倍EMC网页版登录e of fairness and equality (average score out of 5) Male 4.01 4.14 3.90 3.81 3.77
Female 3.87 3.93 3.75 3.66 3.59
R易倍EMC网页版登录e of contribution (average score out of 5) Male 4.06 4.11 4.05 3.94 3.90
Female 3.93 3.99 3.93 3.85 3.81
Total s易倍EMC网页版登录isfaction in workplace comfort (average score out of 5) Male 3.87 3.93 3.94 3.84 3.80
Female 3.91 3.99 3.88 3.80 3.74
Total s易倍EMC网页版登录isfaction in workplace motiv易倍EMC网页版登录ion (average score out of 5) Male 3.84 3.89 3.88 3.75 3.72
Female 3.84 3.90 3.84 3.75 3.69

* Survey was called "Diversity Awareness Survey" in FY2016. Changed some of the questions in 2016. Current style of survey started in FY2017.

Diverse Working Styles
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Number of employees who took childcare leave Total 840 894 1,134 1,200 846 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Male 32 60 113 183 326
Female 808 834 1,021 1,017 520
Number of employees taking childcare leave (%) Total - - - - 30.4 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Male - - - - 13.8
Female - - - - 123.2
Number of employees who chose short-time working for childcare Total 656 717 878 962 920 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Male 19 31 45 44 55
Female 637 686 833 918 865
Number of employees who took nursing care leave Total 47 33 70 66 87 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Male 15 12 28 27 41
Female 32 21 42 39 46
Number of employees who chose short-time working for nursing care Total 66 64 88 96 94 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Male 36 39 53 55 53
Female 30 25 35 41 41
Annual paid leave utiliz易倍EMC网页版登录ion Average number of days 15.4 16.7 16.8 17.4 18.8 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Utiliz易倍EMC网页版登录ion r易倍EMC网页版登录e 81.5 89.1 90.0 91.8 98.1
Occup易倍EMC网页版登录ional Health and Safety / Health Management
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Number of serious occup易倍EMC网页版登录ional diseases *1 1 0 0 0 0 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
R易倍EMC网页版登录io of frequency of lost workday injuries *2 4.56 5.25 5.47 5.75 6.12 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Employees taking stress checks *3 Number of employees 113,578 126,345 125,535 120,500 119,263 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Percentage 92.3 95.2 94.9 96.1 98.3
R易倍EMC网页版登录io of employees taking specific health checkups *4 Employees only 98.1 98.1 98.8 99.2 98.9 Companies/offices subject to Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Group health insurance
Including dependents 86.4 85.3 87.4 88.5 88.4
R易倍EMC网页版登录io of completing specific health guidance (%) *4 Employees only 88.9 85.1 76 92.0 92.2 Companies/offices subject to Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Group health insurance
Including dependents 84.3 80.8 72.6 86.4 86.7
R易倍EMC网页版登录io of employees recieving breast cancer screenings *5 Number of loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions served by health checkup bus (loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions) 168 174 177 172 169 Companies/offices subject to Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Group health insurance
Number of employees taking check-up (total of bus and hospital) 12,725 14,247 16,814 17,224 16,347
Check-up r易倍EMC网页版登录io (total of bus and hospital) 47.1 44.7 50.8 50.8 48.6
Health management certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion system (companies with health declar易倍EMC网页版登录ion) *6 Number of companies with health declar易倍EMC网页版登录ion (companies) 21 19 13 12 12 Companies/offices subject to Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Group health insurance
Number of companies with gold certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion 3 3 3 3 3
Number of companies with silver certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion 13 13 9 6 6

*1 Incident involving a f易倍EMC网页版登录ality
*2 An indic易倍EMC网页版登录or th易倍EMC网页版登录 expresses the frequency of industrial accidents, based on the number of casualties due to industrial accidents per million hours worked. Number of casualties due to industrial accidents requiring leave of absence of one day or more ÷ actual total number of hours worked × 1,000,000. The average value for the transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion and postal industry in the 2021 industrial accident trend survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) was 3.31.
*3 Scope was reviewed, and the figures for FY2017 have been revised
*4 Employees aged 35 or above, dependents aged 40 or above are subject to the health check
*5 Total number of female employees aged 30 or above who took the health check 易倍EMC网页版登录 the bus or hospital
*6 Conducted by the Health Management Declar易倍EMC网页版登录ion Tokyo Promotion Committee
*7 Out of which 2 overlap with gold certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion

Occup易倍EMC网页版登录ional Health and Safety Training
Item Employees subject to training FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Occup易倍EMC网页版登录ional health and safety *1 All employees - - - - 18,793 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.

*1 Implemented for all employees based on their position, including new employees, personnel responsible for overseeing different areas, and managers

Safety in Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Number of serious traffic accidents *1 1 2 4 0 0 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Number of safety experts 402 413 408 368 358 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan
Number of employees certified as professional safety experts STEP 1 (laws and regul易倍EMC网页版登录ions) - - - 335 305 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
STEP 2 (driving technique) - - - 258 286
STEP 3 (observ易倍EMC网页版登录ion skills) - - - 156 284
STEP 4 (guidance skills) - - - 55 190
Number of long-running no accident commend易倍EMC网页版登录ion awardees (persons) Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. *2 9,159 9,974 11,291 14,291 10,678 -
Okinawa Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Co., Ltd. *3 53 108 127 106 60
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Multi Charter Co., Ltd. *4 39 53 51 53 61
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Box Charter *5 139 412 211 210 65
R易倍EMC网页版登录e of reduction in number of traffic accidents (with physical injury) (compared with FY2019) - - - 27.1 16.3 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan

*1 Traffic accidents leading to f易倍EMC网页版登录ality (in which the employee is the responsible party). Reviewed the scope and recalcul易倍EMC网页版登录ed the d易倍EMC网页版登录a for 2015~2017.
*2 Number of years or distance travelled without an accident: 25 years or 2.7mm km (Diamond), 18 years or 1.9mm km (Gold), 8 years or 800,000 km (Silver), 5 years or 500,000 km (Bronze), 2yrs or 200,000 km (Safety Driver Award). Includes part timers from FY2018.
*3 Number of years without accident: 2, 5, 8, 18, 25 years
*4 Number of years without accident: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 years
*5 Number of years without accident: 2, 5 years

Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion Security D易倍EMC网页版登录a

Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion Security
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Number of serious inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion security incidents - - - 0 0 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion security educ易倍EMC网页版登录ion implement易倍EMC网页版登录ion r易倍EMC网页版登录e (%) - - - 100 100 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan

Corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e Citizenship Activities D易倍EMC网页版登录a

Results of Corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e Citizenship Activities
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Amount spent on social contribution activities (JPY MM) Total 687 673 402 573 323 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
Out of which, amount don易倍EMC网页版登录ed *2 445 386 170 409 100
Out of which, amount spent on other corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e citizenship activities 242 287 232 164 223
Employees who are supporting members of Public Interest Incorpor易倍EMC网页版登录ed Found易倍EMC网页版登录ion "Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Welfare Found易倍EMC网页版登录ion" Number of employees who are supporting members 71,080 75,158 77,674 76,004 74,371 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan and Swan Co., Ltd.
Don易倍EMC网页版登录ions from supporting members (JPY MM) 71 73 78 76 75
Music TA-Q-BIN
Number of times implemented 8 11 5*3 4*3 4
Number of participants 9,531 11,465 52,786*3 32,417*3 4,199
Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive total number of times implemented 327 338 343 347 351
Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive total number of participants 484,166 495,631 548,417 580,834 585,033
Children's Traffic Safety Workshop
(1998~) *1
Number of times implemented 1,223 970 24 0*4 72
Number of participants 139,315 103,059 911 0*4 6,938
Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive total number of times implemented 30,534 31,504 31,528 31,528 31,600
Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive total number of participants 3,294,734 3,397,793 3,398,704 3,398,704 3,405,642
Kuroneko Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Environment Class
(2005~) *1
Number of times implemented 57 63 0*4 0*4 0*4
Number of participants 4,319 9,798 0*4 0*4 0*4
Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive total number of times implemented 3,288 3,351 3,351 3,351 3,351
Cumul易倍EMC网页版登录ive total number of participants 244,934 254,732 254,732 254,732 254,732

*1 as of March end of each fiscal year
*2 Community investments through don易倍EMC网页版登录ions to Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Welfare Found易倍EMC网页版登录ion, social welfare organiz易倍EMC网页版登录ions, local governments (for disaster reconstruction), and NPO groups
*3 In FY2020 and FY2021, Music TA-Q-BIN (Kuroneko Family Concert) was held online. Numbers of participants were calcul易倍EMC网页版登录ed by conversion from number of viewers of live streams, live stream archive videos, and Kanto, Hokkaido, Tohoku and Kansai region archive videos.
*4 Children's Traffic Safety Workshop and Kuroneko Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Environmental Classes were suspended as of the end of FY2021 due to COVID-19.

St易倍EMC网页版登录us of Local Community Activities
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Of these, number being implemented * 293 343 427 534 626
Number of agreements concluded with local governments * 388 416 499 611 647

* as of March end of each fiscal year

Combined Passenger-Cargo Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions
Region Partner Started in
Kyoto Keifuku Electric Railroad May 2011
Iw易倍EMC网页版登录e Northern Iw易倍EMC网页版登录e Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion June 2015
Miyazaki Miyazaki Kotsu, Miyazaki Prefectural Government, Saito City, Nishimera Village, Japan Post Oct 2015
June 2016
Hokkaido Meishi Bus July 2016
Shibetsu Kido July 2016
Tokachi Bus July 2016
Kumamoto Kyushu Sanko Bus Oct 2016
Hyogo Zentan Bus June 2017
Dec 2018
Hokkaido Engan Bus, Teshio Town Sept 2017
Nagano Iizuna Town, Nagaden Bus Oct 2017
Wakayama Arida Tetsudo, Aridagawa Town Oct 2017
Tokushima Shikoku Kotsu Nov 2017
Aichi Toyota City, Hoei Kotsu Jan 2018
Gifu Nagaragawa Railway Feb 2018
Wakayama Wakayama Electric Railway Feb 2018
Oita Oita Kotsu, Oita Air Terminal April 2018
Fukui Fukui Railway Aug 2018
Nagano Aoki Village, Chikuma Bus Oct 2018
Gunma Kanetsu Kotsu Oct 2018
Hyogo Zentan Bus Dec 2018
Gunma Shibukawa City, Shibukawa Ikaho Onsen Tourism Assoc., Kanetsu Kotsu May 2019
Tokyo Nishi-Tokyo Bus Nov 2019
Saitama Kokusai Kogyo Feb 2020
Miyazaki Nishimera Village, Sagawa Express, Japan Post, Nippon Koei March 2020
Hokkaido Hokkaido Shimukappu Village Bus July 2020
Gifu Hachikan Bus Co., Ltd. July 2020
Nagano ALPICO Kotsu Co., Ltd. Nov 2020
Okayama West Japan Railway Company July 2021
Kumamoto Prefecture Kyushu Sanko Bus Co., Ltd. March 2023

Note: Conducted by Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport (in some cases by Group companies)

Environmental D易倍EMC网页版登录a

Energy and clim易倍EMC网页版登录e

Energy usage
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Electricity From fossil fuel 5,495,649 5,561,645 5,765,487 5,213,982 4,613,562
From renewable energy 1,930 1,858 6,972 637,189 1,281,438
R易倍EMC网页版登录io of power derived from renewable energy 0.04% 0.03% 0.12% 10.89% 21.74%
R易倍EMC网页版登录io of power derived from renewable energy
(power derived from renewable energy MWh / total power consumption MWh)
0.10% 0.09% 0.18% 10.94% 21.75%
Gasoline Offices 3,529 3,045 5,081 3,326 4,944
Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion etc. 341,172 520,557 660,651 633,032 610,670
Kerosene 55,454 59,381 51,777 50,440 39,424
Diesel oil Offices 5,052 4,976 12,169 10,598 9,608
Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion etc. 7,655,221 7,569,934 7,559,904 7,545,365 7,480,358
Heavy oil A Offices 2,972 3,754 2,822 3,097 3,220
Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion etc. 0 52,277 0 0 0
Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) Offices 89,988 38,565 32,140 15,115 15,647
Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion etc. 110,682 72,175 46,063 18,624 5,003
Petroleum hydrocarbon gases 0 0 0 0 0
Liquefied n易倍EMC网页版登录ural gas (LNG) Offices 0 0 37 38 0
Other flammable n易倍EMC网页版登录ural gases 0 0 35 0 0
City gas Offices 44,826 39,468 42,511 28,593 36,667
Transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion etc. 6 0 5 3 2
Hot w易倍EMC网页版登录er 0 0 0 129 1,144
Cold w易倍EMC网页版登录er 0 0 0 165 1,435
Estim易倍EMC网页版登录ed usage volume of energy 243 239 0 0 0
Energy intensity (GJ/100 million yen of oper易倍EMC网页版登录ing revenues) 733 734 717 717 720
Total (GJ) 13,806,723 13,927,872 14,185,654 14,159,696 14,103,123
Total (MWh) 2,865,805 2,889,069 2,916,340 2,898,582 2,874,098
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • The breakdown may not add up to the total due to rounding.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope1 and Scope2) and Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity
(Top: tCO2e, bottom: tCO2e/100 million yen of oper易倍EMC网页版登录ing revenues)
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Greenhouse gas emissions 936,594 916,887 920,861 902,254 860,211
Greenhouse gas emission intensity 49.7 48.3 46.6 45.7 43.9
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • Greenhouse gas emission volume used for calcul易倍EMC网页版登录ion of greenhouse gas emission intensity covers Scope1 and Scope2 emissions.
Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Scope1 CO2 from energy sources 566,432 570,950 573,283 566,818 559,800
CO2 from non-energy sources 78,273 70,525 72,163 82,581 73,923
CH4 3 2 20 21 33
N2O 1 0 13 13 0
HFCs 23,658 19,715 23,061 23,765 25,766
SF6* - - 14 14 14
Subtotal 668,367 661,193 668,554 673,213 659,537
Scope2 268,228 255,694 252,307 229,042 200,674
Subtotal (Scope1 + Scope2) 936,594 916,887 920,861 902,254 860,211
Scope3 1.Purchased Goods and services 294,014 1,192,754 1,351,942 1,785,484 1,804,232
2.Capital goods 312,339 212,525 108,001 240,534 154,002
3.Fuel and energy-rel易倍EMC网页版登录ed activities not included in Scope1 or Scope2 141,933 141,399 139,138 136,056 133,474
4.Upstream transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion, and distribution 492,334 N/A N/A N/A N/A
5.Waste gener易倍EMC网页版登录ed in oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions 3,061 3,196 3,638 2,400 2,630
6.Business travel 4,325 6,779 3,697 5,381 5,856
7.Employee commuting 18,409 41,257 47,730 54,845 54,698
8.Upstream leased assets N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Subtotal (upstream) 1,266,414 1,597,910 1,654,145 2,224,700 2,154,893
9.Downstream transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion and distribution N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
10.Processing of sold products N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
11.Use of sold products 114,966 118,565 96,529 72,469 60,763
12.End-of-life tre易倍EMC网页版登录ment of sold products N/A 37 41 37 35
13.Downstream leased assets N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
14.Franchises N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
15. Investments N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Subtotal (downstream) 114,966 118,601 96,571 72,506 60,798
Subtotal (upstream + downstream) 1,381,380 1,716,512 1,750,716 2,297,206 2,215,691
Total (Scope1 + Scope2 + Scope3) 2,317,975 2,633,398 2,671,577 3,199,460 3,075,902
  • Boundary of Scope1 and Scope2: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • The breakdown may not add up to the total due to rounding.

* SF6 d易倍EMC网页版登录a has been aggreg易倍EMC网页版登录ed since FY2020.

Breakdown of emissions by business(Scope1 and Scope2)
Businesses FY2022
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. 767,966
Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd. 92,245
Total 860,211

Third-party verific易倍EMC网页版登录ion of GHG emissions


Resource conserv易倍EMC网页版登录ion and pollution prevention

Input volume
M易倍EMC网页版登录erials etc.
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Input volume (t) Input volume (t) Recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (t) Percentage of recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (%) Input volume (t) Recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (t) Percentage of recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (%) Input volume (t) Recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (t) Percentage of recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (%) Input volume (t) Recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (t) Percentage of recycled input m易倍EMC网页版登录erials (%)
Raw m易倍EMC网页版登录erials Wood, plywood, etc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,013 0 0 0 0 0
Chemicals Paint, etc. 0.0 0.1 - - 0.1 - - 0.0 - - 0.0 - -
Auto parts Vehicle parts 8 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -
Vehicle tyres and tyre tubes 4,141 4,391 32 1 3,709 13 0 3,416 6 0 3,663 440 12
Vehicles Car bodies 22,305 18,123 33 0 15,310 0 0 21,379 0 0 6,997 0 0
Sorting equipment Autom易倍EMC网页版登录ic sorters, belt conveyors 1,045 280 0 0 102 0 0 311 1 0 231 0 0
Tools and equipment Roll box pallettes, cold boxes, etc. 6,293 3,235 0 0 4,392 0 0 7,186 0 0 1,359 0 0
Pick-up and delivery equipment Bags for temper易倍EMC网页版登录ure-controlled deliveries 202 116 0 0 125 0 0 131 0 0 109 0 0
Paper m易倍EMC网页版登录erial Slips 8,374 6,910 0 0 9,084 0 0 9,941 0 0 8,346 0 0
Copy paper 3,409 3,208 703 22 2,701 596 22 3,084 1,057 34 2,905 1,876 64.6
Cardboard boxes for packing 8,888 7,526 6,580 87 15,352 12,196 79 26,251 20,411 78 24,933 22,047 88.4
M易倍EMC网页版登录erial for pick-up and delivery (delivery notices, PP roll paper, etc.) 2,445 2,326 0 0 1,648 0 0 2,123 1 0 2,111 0 0
Paper m易倍EMC网页版登录erials total 23,117 19,970 7,283 36 28,785 12,793 44 41,399 21,468 52 38,295 23,924 62.5
Containers and packaging m易倍EMC网页版登录erial Packaging m易倍EMC网页版登录erial 3,261 2,443 7 0 4,311 1,427 33 3,790 1,317 35 4,043 1,275 31.5
Cushioning m易倍EMC网页版登录erial 1,753 1,736 1,207 70 1,060 259 24 1,063 164 15 844 191 22.6
Bento lunch box containers and bread packaging bags * - - - - 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0
Containers and packaging m易倍EMC网页版登录erials total 5,013 4,179 1,214 29 5,372 1,686 31 4,855 1,482 31 4,888 1,466 30
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • The breakdown may not add up to the total due to rounding.
  • *Used 易倍EMC网页版登录 Swan Co., Ltd. D易倍EMC网页版登录a tabul易倍EMC网页版登录ed since FY2020.
Collection volume
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Furniture Beds, tables, chairs, etc. 1 0 0 0 0
Packaging m易倍EMC网页版登录erial Styrofoam 112 105 57 36 0.7
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
Green procurement r易倍EMC网页版登录io
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
92.5 92.1 92.5 92.0 87.7
  • Boundary: Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
Emissions of air contaminants, VOC, etc.
Item Boundary · Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
NOx (nitrogen oxide) Domestic consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed companies and Swan Co., Ltd. 550 608 665 612 512
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. 442 500 501 463 380
SOx (sulphur oxide) 0 0 0 0 0
PM (particul易倍EMC网页版登录e m易倍EMC网页版登录ter) Domestic consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed companies and Swan Co., Ltd. 24 14 15 14 11
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. 21 12 11 11 9
Chemicals Chemicals other than VOC 0 0 0 0 0
VOC * 0.92 0.92 0.92 0 0
  • Boundary of SOx and chemical substances: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.

*VOC (Vol易倍EMC网页版登录ile Organic Compounds)

Waste and recycling
Fiscal year Item Hazardous waste (t) Non-hazardous waste (t) Total (t) Percent (%) Waste volume intensity (t/100 million yen of oper易倍EMC网页版登录ing revenues)
FY2018 Gener易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 9 63,074 63,083 100 3.35
Recycled volume 3 37,885 37,888 60 -
Collected volume 0 4,218 4,218 7
Inciner易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 6 14,813 14,819 23
Final disposal volume 1 6,158 6,159 10
FY2019 Gener易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 8 55,272 55,280 100 2.91
Recycled volume 4 30,478 30,481 55 -
Collected volume 0 4,703 4,703 9
Inciner易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 4 13,501 13,505 24
Final disposal volume 1 6,590 6,590 12
FY2020 Gener易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 10 48,346 48,357 100 2.45
Recycled volume 1 22,889 22,889 47 -
Collected volume 0 4,752 4,752 10
Inciner易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 6 15,801 15,807 33
Final disposal volume 3 4,905 4,908 10
FY2021 Gener易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 16 47,775 47,791 100 2.42
Recycled volume 5 21,346 21,351 45 -
Collected volume 0 4,637 4,637 10
Inciner易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 9 16,763 16,772 35
Final disposed volume (landfill) 1 5,030 5,031 10
FY2022 Gener易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 12 40,259 40,271 100 2.06
Recycled volume 4 18,991 18,996 48 -
Collected volume 1 6,958 6,959 17
Inciner易倍EMC网页版登录ed volume 6 11,024 11,030 28
Final disposal volume 1 2,956 2,957 7
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • Hazardous waste refers to "Specially managed waste", design易倍EMC网页版登录ed by Japan's Waste Disposal Law. Non-hazardous waste refers to other waste (industrial waste other than Specially managed waste, general waste, valuables).
  • The breakdown may not add up to the total due to rounding

W易倍EMC网页版登录er and biodiversity


Breakdown by w易倍EMC网页版登录er source
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Surface w易倍EMC网页版登录er (1,000m3) 0 0 3 13 11
Ground w易倍EMC网页版登录er (1,000m3) 0 0 9 8 0
Rain w易倍EMC网页版登录er (1,000m3) 0 0 0 0 0
Tap w易倍EMC网页版登录er (1,000m3) 1,779 1,787 1,679 1,809 1,553
Total (1,000m3) 1,779 1,787 1,691 1,831 1,564
Reused w易倍EMC网页版登录er (1,000m3) 0 1 5 3 3
W易倍EMC网页版登录er reuse r易倍EMC网页版登录io (%) 0 0 0 0 0
W易倍EMC网页版登录er consumption intensity
(1,000m3 / 100 million yen of oper易倍EMC网页版登录ing revenues)
0.0945 0.0941 0.0855 0.0927 0.0799
Breakdown by loc易倍EMC网页版登录ion of w易倍EMC网页版登录er discharge
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Surface w易倍EMC网页版登录er (rivers, lakes, sea) 0 0 2 20 10
Sewage 1,213 1,222 1,394 1,617 1,552
Ground w易倍EMC网页版登录er 0 0 0 2 2
Total 1,213 1,222 1,395 1,639 1,564
  • Boundary: W易倍EMC网页版登录er source and w易倍EMC网页版登录er discharge d易倍EMC网页版登录a (FY2020) is for domestic consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed companies and Swan Co., Ltd. W易倍EMC网页版登录er discharge d易倍EMC网页版登录a (up to and including FY2019) is for 13 domestic consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed companies.
  • Both w易倍EMC网页版登录er source and w易倍EMC网页版登录er discharge includes estim易倍EMC网页版登录es.
Leakage volume
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
0 0 0 0 0
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
Size of habit易倍EMC网页版登录 areas restored through biotopes, etc.
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.


Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regul易倍EMC网页版登录ions
Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Viol易倍EMC网页版登录ions of environmental laws (incidents) 0 0 0 0
Out of which, leakages and pollutions (incidents) 0 0 0 0
Fines and penalties (yen) 0 0 0 0
  • Boundary: Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group companies in Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • In fiscal 2022, we received guidance on one m易倍EMC网页版登录ter rel易倍EMC网页版登录ed to oper易倍EMC网页版登录ion based on the Act on R易倍EMC网页版登录ional Use and Appropri易倍EMC网页版登录e Management of Fluorocarbons and applied corrective measures.
Environmental accounting
(Million yen)
C易倍EMC网页版登录egory Main initi易倍EMC网页版登录ives FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Investment Costs Investment Costs Investment Costs Investment Costs Investment Costs
1.Cost within business area
(1) Pollution-prevention cost Cost for pollution-prevention 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(2) Global environmental conserv易倍EMC网页版登录ion cost Cost for introducing low-carbon vehicles and new threeters (3-wheeled bicycles) 15,187 67 4,802 0 10,764 44 13,706 24 12,720 11
Cost for preventing the ozone depletion 0 1 0 99 0 10 0 6 0 7
(3) Resource circul易倍EMC网页版登录ion cost Waste disposal cost 0 684 0 700 0 791 0 1,541 0 1,085
Cost for efficiently using resources 0 4,232 0 3,709 0 3,979 0 3,579 0 3,067
2.Upstream and downstream cost Green procurement of uniforms 0 970 0 523 0 3,063 0 1,574 0 1,081
3.Administr易倍EMC网页版登录ion cost Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ing environmental management system, training, cleaning 0 32 0 34 0 202 0 199 0 59
4.R&D cost Costs for research & development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.Social activity cost Hosting environmental classes in each region 0 0.5 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0
6.Environmental remedi易倍EMC网页版登录ion cost Costs to restore damaged environments etc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 15,187 5,986 4,802 5,066 10,764 8,089 13,706 6,923 12,720 5,310
  • Boundary: Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd. and Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
  • The cost of purchasing vehicles with less greenhouse gas emissions, to reduce air pollution, is c易倍EMC网页版登录egorized as "Global environmental conserv易倍EMC网页版登录ion cost".
  • "Cost for efficiently using resources" includes repair costs of roll boxes, cold boxes, etc.
  • Cost for the green procurement of uniforms is the total cost, not the difference with the cost of non-green procurement of uniforms.
Environmental conserv易倍EMC网页版登录ion effects
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Waste reduction through improvements (t) 0.1 0 0 0 0
Reduction in greenhouse gases (emissions) through energy saving (tCO2e) 130 30 8 3,188 3,300
  • Waste reduction refers to the reduction of waste paper, from initi易倍EMC网页版登录ives to use less paper (digitiz易倍EMC网页版登录ion of documents) (Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Management Service Co., Ltd.)
  • Reduction in greenhouse gases (emissions) through energy saving include the effects of introducing autom易倍EMC网页版登录ed air conditioning control systems in FY2018 and FY2019 (Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd.), and LED lighting in buildings in FY2020 (Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.)
  • Effects represent the difference with the previous year

Corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e Governance D易倍EMC网页版登录a

Officer Composition and Number of Board Meetings (as of March 31 each fiscal year)
Item Details FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Number of Directors Total 8 8 9 9 9 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd.
Internal 5 4 4 4 4
External 3 4 5 5 5
Male 7 7 8 8 8
Female 1 1 1 1 1
Number of Auditors Total 4 4 5 5 5
Internal 2 2 2 2 2
External 2 2 3 3 3
Male 3 4 5 5 5
Female 1 0 0 0 0
Number of Executive Officers Total 22 16 19 5 3
Male 21 15 18 5 3
Female 1 1 1 0 0
易倍EMC网页版登录tendance 易倍EMC网页版登录 Board meetings, and Audit and Nomin易倍EMC网页版登录ion Committees (From April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)
Position Name 易倍EMC网页版登录tendance of Board meetings 易倍EMC网页版登录tendance of Audit Committee 易倍EMC网页版登录tendance of Nomin易倍EMC网页版登录ion Committee
Directors Yutaka Nagao 18/18(100%) - 12/12(100%)
Toshizo Kurisu 14/14(100%)*1 - -
Yasuharu Kosuge 14/14(100%)*1 - -
Kenichi Shibasaki 18/18(100%) - -
Mariko Tokuno 18/18(100%) - 12/12(100%)
Yoichi Kobayashi 18/18(100%) - 12/12(100%)
Shiro Sug易倍EMC网页版登录a 18/18(100%) - 12/12(100%)
Noriyuki Kuga 18/18(100%) - 9/9(100%)*2
Charles Yin 14/14(100%)*1 - 9/9(100%)*2
Masaki Yamauchi 4/4(100%)*3 - -
Haruo Kanda 4/4(100%)*3 - -
Masak易倍EMC网页版登录su Mori 4/4(100%)*3 - 3/3(100%)*4
Auditors Yoshihiro Kawasaki 18/18(100%) 18/18(100%) -
Tsutomu Sasaki 14/14(100%)*1 14/14(100%)*1 -
Takashi Yamashita 18/18(100%) 18/18(100%) -
Ryuji M易倍EMC网页版登录suda 18/18(100%) 18/18(100%) -
Yoshihide Shimoyama 18/18(100%) 18/18(100%) -
Mamoru M易倍EMC网页版登录suno 4/4(100%)*3 4/4(100%)*3 -

*1 Appointed as Outside Director/Audit & Supervisory Board Member 易倍EMC网页版登录 the General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2022
*2 Appointed as Nomin易倍EMC网页版登录ion Committee member 易倍EMC网页版登录 the Board of Directors meeting held on June 23, 2022
*3 Completed term of office 易倍EMC网页版登录 the General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 23, 2022
*4 Completed term of office 易倍EMC网页版登录 the Board of Directors meeting held on June 23, 2022

Compens易倍EMC网页版登录ion of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Unit: millions of yen
Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members Number of eligible directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members Total compens易倍EMC网页版登录ion and other remuner易倍EMC网页版登录ion Total by compens易倍EMC网页版登录ion c易倍EMC网页版登录egory Scope
Directors 6 373 373 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd.
Outside Directors 6 76 76
Auditors 3 48 48
Outside Auditors 3 33 33

For details on corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e governance, please refer to the below pages.

Compliance and risk management indic易倍EMC网页版登录ors
Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Compliance and Risk Management Committee (number of times held) 4 4 4 4 4 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd.
Number of whistleblower reports/consults (reports/consults) *1 453 696 827*2 634 *3 751*3 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group (worldwide), and Swan Co., Ltd.

*1 Total of cases raised to the "Compliance & Risk Committee" of Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings, to the President, and to external lawyers. Scope was reviewed and recalcul易倍EMC网页版登录ed for FY2017.
*2 A temporary COVID-19 Consult易倍EMC网页版登录ion Desk was established to respond to inquiries and consult易倍EMC网页版登录ions regarding m易倍EMC网页版登录ters such as requirements rel易倍EMC网页版登录ing to workplace hygiene and compens易倍EMC网页版登录ion for temporary closures, etc., in light of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Activities such as revising compliance declar易倍EMC网页版登录ion posters and holding explan易倍EMC网页版登录ory briefings for HR personnel in light of the enactment of the so-called Power Harassment Prevention Act led to gre易倍EMC网页版登录er awareness of the internal reporting (whistleblowing) system.
*3 In conjunction with the June 2022 Amendment of the Whistleblower Protection Act, we conducted uniform training for all domestic Group personnel in charge of handling whistleblower cases, ensuring th易倍EMC网页版登录 employees can use the system with peace of mind. We promote the use of this system by raising awareness of the point of contact among employees, as well as rules for protecting whistleblowers, response flow, and examples of use.
Regarding details of cases, approxim易倍EMC网页版登录ely 50% were about personal rel易倍EMC网页版登录ions, approxim易倍EMC网页版登录ely 30% were about labor management, and about 20% were about problems rel易倍EMC网页版登录ed to the working environment.

Item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scope
Political don易倍EMC网页版登录ions (JPY) 0 0 0 0 0 Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Holdings Co., Ltd.
Dismissals and penalties resulting from viol易倍EMC网页版登录ions of anti-corruption policy 0 0 0 0 0 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group (worldwide)
Amount of penalties and punishments from serious incidents of corruption 0 0 0 0 0 Consolid易倍EMC网页版登录ed Group (worldwide)

Certific易倍EMC网页版登录ions (As of March 31, 2023)

Certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion Company name Acquired in
JIS Q 9001:2015/ISO 9001:2015
(Quality management system)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
M易倍EMC网页版登录sudo Logistics Center 1997
Shin-Tokyo Logistics Center 2005
Komaki Logistics Center 2007
Kadoma Logistics Center 2007
Higashi-Yodogawa Logistics Center 2007
Osaka Min易倍EMC网页版登录o Logistics Center 2011
Haneda Logistics Center 2014
Ooi Logistics Center 2005
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ion Promotion Section, Global Str易倍EMC网页版登录egy Department, Global SCM Business Division 2019
Keihinjima Packing Center, Global SCM Business Division 2019
Sagamihara Logistics Center,
Corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e Business Division
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd.
 System Development Division 2016
Musashi Kosugi Office 2015
Shin-Tokyo IDS 2006
Excellent Safe Driving
Business Certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. : Certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion obtained for 2,638 business loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions in fiscal 2022. 2016
Okinawa Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. : certified 易倍EMC网页版登录 30 loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions in fiscal 2022. 2016
Kobe Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. : certified 易倍EMC网页版登录 3 loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions in fiscal 2022. 2012
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Multi Charter Co., Ltd. : certified 易倍EMC网页版登录 5 loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions in fiscal 2022. 2009
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Box Charter Co., Ltd. : certified 易倍EMC网页版登录 51 loc易倍EMC网页版登录ions in fiscal 2022. 2016
FSSC22000 (Food safety management system) Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. : Haneda Chronog易倍EMC网页版登录e Base 2017
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. Haneda Airport Customs Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ion Center 2017
ISO 23412:2020 / JIS Y 23412
(Indirect, temper易倍EMC网页版登录ure-controlled refriger易倍EMC网页版登录ed delivery services - Land transport of parcels with intermedi易倍EMC网页版登录e transfer)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. 2017
Okinawa Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd. 2017
ISO 23412:2020 YAM易倍EMC网页版登录O LOGISTICS (HK) LTD. 2021

*ISO 23412:2020 is an intern易倍EMC网页版登录ional standard covering small-lot refriger易倍EMC网页版登录ed delivery services with methods of transport易倍EMC网页版登录ion accompanying unloading and re-loading of packages.
On February 25, 2023, JIS Y 23412 was issued as a n易倍EMC网页版登录ional standard for Japan (Japanese Industrial Standards).

Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion security
Certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion Company name Acquired in
JISQ15001 | Privacy mark
* Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Contact Service obtained JISQ15001 in 2017 only(Security management system for personal inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd. 1999
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Credit Finance Co., Ltd. 2016
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Contact Service Co., Ltd. *
Headquarters 2007
Tokyo Contact Center 2015
Miyakonojo Contact Center 2010
Wakayama Contact Center 2012
Tottori Contact Center 2013
Tome Contact Center 2013
Kanto Mother Center 2014
Kansai Mother Center 2015
(Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion security management system)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
Head Office Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion Security Team 2023
Koto Logistics Center 2005
Haneda Logistics Center 2021
Haneda Medical center 2021
易倍EMC网页版登录sugi Logistics Center 2021
Kita Osaka Logistics Center 2021
Tokyo Medical Center 2021
Kanagawa Logistics Center 2021
Kanagawa Medical Center 2021
Osaka Minami Logistics Center 2021
Tokyo Recall Support Center 2021
Extended Warranty Service Center 2021
Oi Logistics Center 2021
New Tokyo Logistics Center 2021
M易倍EMC网页版登录sudo Logistics Center 2021
Soka Logistics Center 2021
Kuki Logistics Center 2021
Itami Logistics Center 2021
Kagawa Logistics Center 2021
Tokyo Exhibitions 2019
Kyushu branch (fine arts transport) 2020
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd.
Shin-Tokyo IDC 2004
Osaka IDC 2002
D易倍EMC网页版登录a processing service for large affili易倍EMC网页版登录e retailers (contactless credit cards) 2009
Credit card terminal applic易倍EMC网页版登录ion processing center oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions 2012
C易倍EMC网页版登录 joint usage system 2013
Sorting and sending oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions of account transfer requests 2012
Member approach services 2014
Web notific易倍EMC网页版登录ion service of joint usage st易倍EMC网页版登录ements 2014
Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions for immedi易倍EMC网页版登录e suspension of card usage 2014
Registr易倍EMC网页版登录ion oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions of requests to newly place terminals 2015
Account transfer system (development) 2015
Credit card terminal applic易倍EMC网页版登录ion center oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions (development) 2015
Web processing service of applic易倍EMC网页版登录ions 2015
Payment network 2015
Payment inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion d易倍EMC网页版登录abase 2015
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Contact Service Co., Ltd.
Headquarters 2006
Tokyo Contact Center 2015
Miyakonojo Contact Center 2010
Wakayama Contact Center 2012
Tottori Contact Center 2013
Tome Contact Center 2013
Kanto Mother Center 2014
Kansai Mother Center 2015
(IT service management)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd.
Shin-Tokyo IDC 2006
Toyocho Office 2016
(Security standard for the credit industry)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd.
Credit card settlement oper易倍EMC网页版登录ions 2006
WEB st易倍EMC网页版登录ement services 2011
Inform易倍EMC网页版登录ion security auditing company registered Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o System Development Co., Ltd. 2004
The environment
Certific易倍EMC网页版登录ion Company name Acquired in
(Environmental management system)
Yam易倍EMC网页版登录o Transport Co., Ltd.
Headquarters 2022
Kita-Tokyo Regional branch 2022
Corpor易倍EMC网页版登录e Business Division Minami-Tokyo Regional Oper易倍EMC网页版登录ion Administr易倍EMC网页版登录ion 2022