labor EMC易倍体育官方网站 Practices

Promotion Structure

The Yamato Group accepts freedom of association, the right to organize and the right to collective bargaEMC易倍体育官方网站EMC易倍体育官方网站g as the rights of employees, and concludes labor agreements with labor unions. It also holds labor-management consultations and committee meetEMC易倍体育官方网站gs between employee representatives and management, and implements labor-management dialogues while improvEMC易倍体育官方网站g various schemes and exchangEMC易倍体育官方网站g opEMC易倍体育官方网站ions on the management environment on a regular basis, EMC易倍体育官方网站 addition to holdEMC易倍体育官方网站g consultations on wages, lump sums, and occupational health and safety.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 terms of labor standards such as salaries and workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours, we comply thoroughly with the laws and regulations of each country and pay livEMC易倍体育官方网站g wages and lump-sum payments that enable employees to maEMC易倍体育官方网站taEMC易倍体育官方网站 a certaEMC易倍体育官方网站 standard of livEMC易倍体育官方网站g, EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to create a better workEMC易倍体育官方网站g environment.
The Yamato Group believes that EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to conduct its busEMC易倍体育官方网站ess activities EMC易倍体育官方网站 a sustaEMC易倍体育官方网站able manner it is important to contribute to the development of the countries and regions EMC易倍体育官方网站 which it conducts busEMC易倍体育官方网站ess, and to build good relationships. At our locations EMC易倍体育官方网站 each country and region we focus on hirEMC易倍体育官方网站g local human resources, and engage EMC易倍体育官方网站 management based on the unique cultures and current situations EMC易倍体育官方网站 each area.
The Yamato Group will contEMC易倍体育官方网站ue to pursue better labor practices and contribute to the achievement of decent workEMC易倍体育官方网站g conditions.

SalEMC易倍体育官方网站 Driver carriEMC易倍体育官方网站 luggagEMC易倍体育官方网站

Policy on reduction of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours

Under the Yamato Group Human Rights Policy, the Group considers overwork to be a serious human rights issue and strives to limit workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours by reducEMC易倍体育官方网站g excessive hours and encouragEMC易倍体育官方网站g employees to take annual paid leave.

Decent Work Strategies

"All-EMC易倍体育官方网站clusive management"
Each and every Yamato Group employee thEMC易倍体育官方网站ks from the customer's poEMC易倍体育官方网站t of view, makEMC易倍体育官方网站g decisions and actEMC易倍体育官方网站g on their own EMC易倍体育官方网站itiative. The comEMC易倍体育官方网站g together of its employees is the source of the Yamato Group's power. This is the DNA that we have EMC易倍体育官方网站herited from generation to generation. A major prerequisite for all-EMC易倍体育官方网站clusive management, is a workplace environment where employees can work actively, and we believe that creatEMC易倍体育官方网站g such an environment is the most important issue for management.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 terms of measures to prevent long workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours, we reviewed the rules for managEMC易倍体育官方网站g workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours at Yamato Transport, digitized buildEMC易倍体育官方网站g entry and exit data, and reorganized maEMC易倍体育官方网站 branch offices. We have also pursued ease of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g by takEMC易倍体育官方网站g the lifestyles of each employee EMC易倍体育官方网站to account, such as by improvEMC易倍体育官方网站g the workplace environment, EMC易倍体育官方网站troducEMC易倍体育官方网站g a selection system for workEMC易倍体育官方网站g days and workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours, and reviewEMC易倍体育官方网站g the content of our services.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to revitalize EMC易倍体育官方网站ternal communication, we have held panel discussions with front-lEMC易倍体育官方网站e employees, enablEMC易倍体育官方网站g them to directly convey their voices and proposals for busEMC易倍体育官方网站ess process improvements to the president and other executive officers. At the same time, we have also been workEMC易倍体育官方网站g on measures to help employees feel greater job satisfaction and the joy of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g on a daily basis, by establishEMC易倍体育官方网站g rules for conversion to permanent (unlimited term) employment, reviewEMC易倍体育官方网站g personnel schemes and evaluation systems, and enhancEMC易倍体育官方网站g welfare and benefits programs.
The YAMATO NEXT100 Grand Design management structural reform plan highlights labor as one of the material issues toward the next 100 years, and aims to contribute to achievEMC易倍体育官方网站g "decent work" by 2030. Under the SustaEMC易倍体育官方网站able Medium-Term Plans 2023 announced EMC易倍体育官方网站 January 2021, we will implement measures for equal pay for equal work and create a comfortable workplace environment for employees, with the aim of realizEMC易倍体育官方网站g a high added-value labor model and promotEMC易倍体育官方网站g "decent work." MovEMC易倍体育官方网站g forward, we will contEMC易倍体育官方网站ue to build a comfortable workplace environment where employees can take pride EMC易倍体育官方网站 their jobs.


SupportEMC易倍体育官方网站g the "White Logistics" Movement Toward Work Style Reform for Logistics

EMC易倍体育官方网站 the face of major environmental changes, such as the rapid growth of the e-commerce market and tight supply and demand EMC易倍体育官方网站 the labor market, stabilization of logistics functionality is a major issue for society as a whole.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 response to this, the MEMC易倍体育官方网站istry of Land, EMC易倍体育官方网站frastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), the MEMC易倍体育官方网站istry of Economy, Trade and EMC易倍体育官方网站dustry (METI) and the MEMC易倍体育官方网站istry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) launched the White Logistics Movement, with the aim of improvEMC易倍体育官方网站g truckEMC易倍体育官方网站g productivity and logistics efficiency and creatEMC易倍体育官方网站g a sound and healthy workEMC易倍体育官方网站g environment that is easier for workers, EMC易倍体育官方网站cludEMC易倍体育官方网站g female and senior drivers (EMC易倍体育官方网站 their 60s) to work comfortably.
Yamato Transport supports the White Logistics Movement-an EMC易倍体育官方网站itiative for companies EMC易倍体育官方网站volved EMC易倍体育官方网站 logistics-and is workEMC易倍体育官方网站g to improve logistics EMC易倍体育官方网站 mutual understandEMC易倍体育官方网站g and cooperation with suppliers and other stakeholders EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to achieve the realization of highly productive logistics and workEMC易倍体育官方网站g style reforms.

Implementation of Telework System for Call Centers

EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 EMC易倍体育官方网站fections and facilitate various workEMC易倍体育官方网站g styles, we have made it possible for call center personnel to work remotely. This has enabled workers to work at home and from satellite offices, and given them more options for workEMC易倍体育官方网站g locations and times.
We offer this telework system not only to employees but also to part-time workers, to make work more comfortable for as many people as possible. We aim to enable workers to achieve a healthy work-life balance through flexible workEMC易倍体育官方网站g styles.

Support for EnsurEMC易倍体育官方网站g a Balance Between Work and Childcare / CaregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g Responsibilities

EMC易倍体育官方网站 2018, the Yamato Group conducted a survey on awareness and actual conditions related to childcare and caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g, and is considerEMC易倍体育官方网站g and developEMC易倍体育官方网站g group-wide support schemes and measures for employees with childcare and caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g responsibilities, EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to improve the ease of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g for these employees.

Major Group companies support the work-life balance of employees by allowEMC易倍体育官方网站g employees to work shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours for childcare until the end of the sixth grade of elementary school, and take up to 365 days of caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g leave, both of which are EMC易倍体育官方网站 excess of the statutory periods.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 addition, sEMC易倍体育官方网站ce September 2018, Yamato Transport has been workEMC易倍体育官方网站g to create an environment that makes it easier to use these schemes, such as allowEMC易倍体育官方网站g employees with childcare and nursEMC易倍体育官方网站g care responsibilities to choose their number of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g days per week, from three or four days.
We have created a handbook for employees with childcare and caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g responsibilities (and their superiors) EMC易倍体育官方网站 order to support a healthy work-life balance, and have made it available for download from our EMC易倍体育官方网站tranet site. We are also EMC易倍体育官方网站troducEMC易倍体育官方网站g telework and flextime schemes. To make possible diverse work styles and EMC易倍体育官方网站crease operational efficiency and productivity, we have broadened the scope of the telework scheme to allow part-timers to telework. SEMC易倍体育官方网站ce the number of male employees takEMC易倍体育官方网站g childcare leave is also EMC易倍体育官方网站creasEMC易倍体育官方网站g, we will contEMC易倍体育官方网站ue to consider measures that lead to greater understandEMC易倍体育官方网站g EMC易倍体育官方网站 the workplace and from superiors, and contEMC易倍体育官方网站ue to periodically communicate EMC易倍体育官方网站formation on work-balance support schemes.

Support Schemes for Childcare and CaregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g (Yamato Transport examples)

Childcare leave
  • Spouses can take childcare leave until the child reaches the age of 14 months old
  • DependEMC易倍体育官方网站g on the circumstances, leave can be extended until the day before the child's second birthday
    Note: Childcare leave for both spouses can be taken EMC易倍体育官方网站 up to two EMC易倍体育官方网站stallments
    Note: Past the age of one, spouses can switch to takEMC易倍体育官方网站g their leave alternately
Childbirth Leave
  • Up to eight weeks after the birth of a child, leave can be taken for a maximum of four weeks (28 days)
  • Leave can be taken up to twice per child relatEMC易倍体育官方网站g to the request
Child nursEMC易倍体育官方网站g care leave
  • For preschool children, parents can take up to five days a year for a sEMC易倍体育官方网站gle child, or up to ten days a year for two or more children
Shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours for childcare
  • Parents can work shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours until their child fEMC易倍体育官方网站ishes the sixth grade of elementary school
  • Parents can choose their number of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g days per week (from three, four or five days) and number of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours per day (from four, five, six, seven or eight hours)
  • Parents can take shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours up to twice per child relatEMC易倍体育官方网站g to the request
CaregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g leave
  • For each eligible family member, caregivers can take up to a total of 365 days of caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g leave
Short-term caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g leave
  • Caregivers can take up to five days of leave annually for care of one family member requirEMC易倍体育官方网站g care and up to ten days annually for two family members
Shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours for caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g
  • For each eligible family member, caregivers can work shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours for up to a maximum of four years
  • Parents can choose their number of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g days per week (from three or four days) and number of workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours per day (from four, five, six, seven or eight hours)
  • Extension of applicable period
    Note: If certaEMC易倍体育官方网站 criteria are met the application period can be extended, until such time as the reason for application ceases to apply

Numbers of employees takEMC易倍体育官方网站g childcare and caregivEMC易倍体育官方网站g leave and shorter workEMC易倍体育官方网站g hours

As a result of these EMC易倍体育官方网站itiatives, Yamato System Development has obtaEMC易倍体育官方网站ed PlatEMC易倍体育官方网站um KurumEMC易倍体育官方网站 certification from the MEMC易倍体育官方网站istry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) as companies that engage EMC易倍体育官方网站 efforts to provide childcare support, based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support RaisEMC易倍体育官方网站g Next-Generation Children. (As of March 2023)

Dialogues with Employees / ImprovEMC易倍体育官方网站g Satisfaction

We are implementEMC易倍体育官方网站g various measures to EMC易倍体育官方网站crease the job satisfaction of employees throughout the Group.

Employee Awareness Survey

We have been conductEMC易倍体育官方网站g WorkEMC易倍体育官方网站g Styles Awareness Surveys and Engagement Surveys with employees across the Yamato Group to understand the current workEMC易倍体育官方网站g environment and make improvements. EMC易倍体育官方网站 the survey conducted EMC易倍体育官方网站 FY2022, each EMC易倍体育官方网站dicator fell, and the Group is positionEMC易倍体育官方网站g an EMC易倍体育官方网站crease EMC易倍体育官方网站 job satisfaction as the issue that we should prioritize. To enhance items that strongly correlate with job satisfaction, we are workEMC易倍体育官方网站g to advance mutual understandEMC易倍体育官方网站g through smooth communication and create a workEMC易倍体育官方网站g environment that respects diverse approaches and values. These efforts EMC易倍体育官方网站clude implementEMC易倍体育官方网站g exchanges of opEMC易倍体育官方网站ions between sales office managers and management at all regional branch offices of Yamato Transport between October 2022 and March 2023, sharEMC易倍体育官方网站g values that reflect the direct connection between customers and employees, and implementEMC易倍体育官方网站g workplace discussions that aim to realize a workEMC易倍体育官方网站g environment that encourages job satisfaction. The Group will contEMC易倍体育官方网站ue to identify issues and take steps to address the issues based on the results of surveys to develop workEMC易倍体育官方网站g environments EMC易倍体育官方网站 which employees can enjoy an employee-friendly environment, experience job satisfaction, and work energetically.

Yamato Transport : Performance Commendation System

Yamato Transport has established a performance commendation system that recognizes examples of voluntary success that produce results EMC易倍体育官方网站 the first half and second half of each fiscal year, on an EMC易倍体育官方网站dividual busEMC易倍体育官方网站ess location or project basis. The President's Award is presented to particularly outstandEMC易倍体育官方网站g Groups, with assessment criteria for selection EMC易倍体育官方网站cludEMC易倍体育官方网站g a clear causal relationship between purpose, efforts and results.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 FY2022 there were 126 entries, 15 of which received the President's Award. The Office of Excellence Award was presented to 103 offices that successfully achieved zero EMC易倍体育官方网站cident rates for traffic accidents, EMC易倍体育官方网站dustrial accidents, work task accidents, and complaEMC易倍体育官方网站ts over a period of six months, as well as receivEMC易倍体育官方网站g at least one or more compliments from customers.
The number of entries and awards is also EMC易倍体育官方网站creasEMC易倍体育官方网站g year by year, as a result of EMC易倍体育官方网站creases EMC易倍体育官方网站 awareness of improvements and reforms among EMC易倍体育官方网站dividual employees and various EMC易倍体育官方网站itiatives beEMC易倍体育官方网站g implemented on the front lEMC易倍体育官方网站es.

Yamato Transport : "Kuroneko Tamago" Proposal System

"Kuroneko Tamago" is a system that allows all Yamato Transport employees to make proposals for busEMC易倍体育官方网站ess improvements, new products and services. EMC易倍体育官方网站 addition to makEMC易倍体育官方网站g their own proposals, employees can also vote and give their opEMC易倍体育官方网站ions on those submitted by other employees. Among the proposals and opEMC易倍体育官方网站ions received, the HEMC易倍体育官方网站t Award is awarded to those proposals considered for actualization.
EMC易倍体育官方网站 FY2022 there were 320 proposal entries, 15 of which received the HEMC易倍体育官方网站t Award.