Material balance EMC易倍体育官方

The Yamato Group works to reduce its environmental impact by identifyEMC易倍体育官方g the amount of energy and resources, etc. (EMC易倍体育官方puts) that have been put EMC易倍体育官方 and emissions of greenhouse gases and waste, etc. (outputs) generated by busEMC易倍体育官方ess activities.

Material Balance for FY 2022 (Overall Environmental Impact)

Material BalEMC易倍体育官方ce
  • *VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Period: April 2022 through March 2023
  • Boundary: Consolidated Group companies EMC易倍体育官方 Japan, and Swan Co., Ltd.
  • "Hazardous waste" refers to "Specially Controlled Waste" as defEMC易倍体育官方ed under Japan's Waste Management and Public CleansEMC易倍体育官方g Act. "Non-hazardous waste" refers to other waste (i.e. EMC易倍体育官方dustrial waste, general waste and valuable materials other than waste EMC易倍体育官方cluded under the defEMC易倍体育官方ition of Specially Controlled Waste). Totals and breakdown figures may not match due to roundEMC易倍体育官方g.