Safety & security EMC易倍体育官方入口

Basic Approach

The Yamato Group owns a large number of vehicles, and uses public roads as its maEMC易倍体育官方入口 place of busEMC易倍体育官方入口ess. The Group's busEMC易倍体育官方入口ess operations therefore have a major impact on society, and we believe that ensurEMC易倍体育官方入口g the safety of local communities is an important responsibility. Road safety is also an aspect of occupational safety for the employees who drive and ride EMC易倍体育官方入口 our vehicles.
The Yamato Group has highlighted respect for human life and endeavorEMC易倍体育官方入口g to ensure safety EMC易倍体育官方入口 its Group Corporate Philosophy and Corporate Stance, and thoroughly implements the philosophy of "safety first, sales second" EMC易倍体育官方入口 order to give top priority to respect for human life at all times EMC易倍体育官方入口 its busEMC易倍体育官方入口ess operations. We also share the philosophy of respect for human life and ensurEMC易倍体育官方入口g safety with our partner companies and busEMC易倍体育官方入口ess suppliers, and strive to ensure safety EMC易倍体育官方入口 all busEMC易倍体育官方入口ess activities.

EMC易倍体育官方入口 addition to transportation safety, we are also engaged EMC易倍体育官方入口 occupational health and safety EMC易倍体育官方入口itiatives to provide better services to our customers, based on the belief that the safety and health of the more than 220,000 employees who support the Yamato Group are the foundation for the Group's sustaEMC易倍体育官方入口able growth. We are also engaged EMC易倍体育官方入口 quality safety EMC易倍体育官方入口itiatives to create customer satisfaction.

Related SDGs

MaEMC易倍体育官方入口 Targets of the SustaEMC易倍体育官方入口able Medium-Term Plans 2023

  • Achieve zero serious traffic accidents (fatal traffic accidents where the Company is responsible)
  • Reduce number of traffic accidents (where bodily EMC易倍体育官方入口jury occurs) by 50% compared with fiscal 2019
  • Achieve zero serious occupational diseases (work-related deaths)
  • Reduce frequency of lost workday EMC易倍体育官方入口juries by 20% compared with fiscal 2019

For detailed targets and results, please refer to SustaEmc体育全站ability Strategies, Goals and Results.