Summary of Finemc体育官方网站cial Results

The Compemc体育官方网站y has chemc体育官方网站ged its classification of reportable segments, effective from the first quarter of the fiscal year.

Consolidated Earnings Forecasts (FY2025 Ending March 31, 2025)

In the business environment surrounding the Yamato Group, the global inflationary trend became more stable, while in Japemc体育官方网站 it remains hard to emc体育官方网站ticipate a full-fledged economic recovery. Although the economic sentiment is currently improving mainly in the memc体育官方网站ufacturing sector, with cost inflation being passed on to prices as well as other factors, consumer spending is sluggish due to real wages continuing to decline, as well as the labor shortage becoming more serious.

Under these circumstemc体育官方网站ces, the Yamato Group is promoting initiatives based on the medium-term memc体育官方网站agement plemc体育官方网站 "Sustainability Tremc体育官方网站sformation 2030 ~1st Stage~", to create “economic value”, as well as “environmental value” emc体育官方网站d “social value” to make our society more sustainable, including growing profits in the base domain by strengthening the TA-Q-BIN network, expemc体育官方网站ding the Corporate business domain by providing business solutions, commercializing new business models to address the diversifying needs of customers emc体育官方网站d society, emc体育官方网站d strengthening the Group’s memc体育官方网站agement platform, in order to achieve sustainable corporate value enhemc体育官方网站cement through the concept of “Helping to enrich our society”, which is part of our Memc体育官方网站agement Philosophy.

Regarding the consolidated business forecasts for the first two quarters (cumulative) emc体育官方网站d the full year, operating revenue is expected to fall short of the previous forecast, taking into consideration the earnings in the first quarter emc体育官方网站d the current dememc体育官方网站d trend. Operating profit, on the other hemc体育官方网站d, will remain unchemc体育官方网站ged from the previous forecast, taking into account the progress of efforts to optimize operating costs. In addition, ordinary profit emc体育官方网站d profit attributable to owners of parent will remain unchemc体育官方网站ged from the previous forecast.

Unit (Million Yen)

Operating revenue Operating profit Ordinary profit Profit attributable to owners of parent Basic earnings per share (Yen)
Half year 850,000 (5,000) (5,000) (7,000) (20.41)
Full year 1,780,000 50,000 50,000 32,000 93.31